Wednesday, March 28th,
Title: Microsystems and
Nanosystems: Manufacturing Challenges and Opportunities
Presented by: Dr. Rajendra
Singh, D.Houser Banks Professor in the Dept. of Electrical and Computer
Engineering and Director of Center for Silicon Nanoelectronics,
Clemson University, SC.
Abstract: Microsystems consisting
of semiconductor devices of sub-micron dimension have already proven
as the driver of microelectronics revolution. The most advanced
semiconductor products manufactured today have feature size of 65
nm. Depending on the application, the nanoystems may consist of
one or more of the following type of functional components: electronic,
optical, magnetic, mechanical, biological, chemical, energy sources
and various type of sensing devices. As long as one or more of these
functional devices are in 1-100 nm dimensions, the resultant system
will be defined as nanosystem. The software cost of a typical nanosystem
is about 60%. Thus the burden of system cost reduction falls mostly
on the advancements in manufacturing science and technology. This
requires a paradigm shift in the coordination of design, mask making
and fab activities that will lead to design for yield. In this talk
I will focus on the challenges and opportunities provided to the
designers and manufacturers of future Microsystems and Nanosystems.
Biography: Rajendra Singh
received Ph.D. degree in physics (thesis on solar cells) from McMaster
University, Hamilton, Ont., Canada, in 1979. Currently, he is D.
Houser Banks Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering and Director of Center for Silicon Nanoelectronics.
He has published over 270 papers in various journals and conference
proceedings in the area of rapid thermal processing, solar cells,
semiconductor manufacturing and nanotechnology. He has served as
conference organizer and editor of 24 conference proceedings. He
has been editor of IEEE TED, guest editor of a number of IEEE Transactions
on Electron Devices (TED) and IEEE Transactions of Semiconductor
Manufacturing (TSM) special issues. He is member of the editorial
board of IEEE TSM, Electrochemical& Solid State Letters, Journal
of Low Power Electronics and Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Since 1994, he has been IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecturer. Over the
years he has received a number of national and international awards
Partial list of his awards include Distinguished Technologist: United
Nations (1987, Thomas D. Callinan Award, Electrochemical Society
(1996) and McMaster University Distinguished Alumni Award (2005).
He is a Fellow of Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
(IEEE), the Society of Optical Science and Engineering (SPIE), American
Association of Advancement of Science (AAAS) and ASM International,
the materials information society (ASM).
He received his Ph.D. (1988) and M.S. degrees in Electrical and
engineering and B.S. degree in Engineering physics at the University
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. With colleagues and students, he has
received three best paper awards. He also received the 2003 College
Engineering Teacher of the Year award. He holds four U.S. patents.
Presented Jointly with:
the Circuits and Systems Society and Solid State Circuits Society,
Chicago Chapter.
Social and free snacks:
6:30 PM
7 PM
Place: Bowe
Bell & Howell [Company directions]
S Wolf Rd, Wheeling, IL 60090 [Mapquest directions]
at the "Da Vinci" conference room
Presented by:
ED/CAS/SSC Chicago Chapter