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Meeting Notice

The IEEE Southeastern Michigan EMC Society presents

"Complex Device Monitoring During EMC Testing"

Presented by: Achim Gerstner

Date: March 26, 2003

Time: 5:30 PM

The Southeastern Michigan Spring 2003 IEEE Section Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 26, 2003.

The event will be held at Yazaki North America in Canton, Michigan.

To register for this event, please submit the online Registration form - Pick "Chapter VIII - EMC" from the registration form menu.

For more information on the IEEE Section Meeting, please visit the webpage at


Schedule of Events 
5:00 - Registration Begins
5:45 - Chapter Presentations begin
6:45 - Break / Student Exhibit time
7:15 - Dinner
8:15 - Keynote Address 
9:00 - End
The Chapter Presentation is a FREE event. There is a charge for the dinner.

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Synopsis of Presentation

Monitoring of devices under test during immunity test is getting more and more complex and in many case is time consuming and boring. The presenter will show possibilities of automating this DUT monitoring task using electrical signals, controlling a VCR to tape the information from a camera, storing pictures on a PC, using the CAN-Bus etc. and communicating with the immunity test system to fully automate a radiated or conducted immunity test.

Biographical Sketch
Achim Gerstner received his engineering degree from Fachhochschule Karlsruhe in Germany in 1984. He held various positions at Analog Devices in Munich Germany before he joined Rohde & Schwarz in Munich Germany in 1989. He had several positions within the Rohde & Schwarz Test & Measurement Division and was last Area Sales Manager for EMC Test Systems for Asia Pacific, before he decided to start the EMC Test Systems business for Rohde & Schwarz in the US in 1998 were he is now a Senior Manager in the Rohde & Schwarz office in Irving, Texas.

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