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Meeting Notice

The IEEE Southeastern Michigan EMC Society presents

"ESD Simulator Verification (Slide Show) "

Presented by: Greg Senko

Date: November 19, 2003

Time: 5:30 PM

Meeting Location: Agilent Technologies
20000 Victor Parkway, Livonia, MI

Map and directions at:

***You must pre-register for this free event online at:

Registration Deadline: 12:00 Noon on 11/19/03


Schedule of Events 
5:30 – 6:00 Refreshments Provided by Micro Sales
6:00 – 7:00 Technical Presentation
This is a FREE event.   IEEE Non-Members Welcome!

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Synopsis of Presentation

Virtually every EMC laboratory has one or more ESD simulators, but almost none of them are equipped to verify the ESD simulators' performance. This presentation will demonstrate how you can do this in your own lab. The presentation will provide an overview of ESD simulator verification techniques, including requirements found in the ISO, SAE and IEC standards. Even labs that do have this capability are facing changes in the standards specifying the measurement setup. Information about these changes, including the new measurement target design from the draft ANSI standard, will be presented. Practical aspects of measurement setup and performance will be discussed, and there will a live demonstration of a full waveform verification system.

Biographical Sketch

Greg Senko is Business Manager for the EMC Test Division of Schaffner EMC, Inc. Greg holds a BSEE from Northeastern University and has worked in the EMC industry since 1983. He has been involved in EMC product development and management in a wide range of roles, including Director of Engineering at Thermo KeyTek. He has been a member of the ANSI and ESD Association working groups on system-level ESD simulators. Greg has published several papers and magazine articles relating to EMC testing, including "Methods of Verifying ESD Simulator Compliance" (Compliance Engineering, 2000).


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