This is not your grandfather’s job market where one could work and retire from one company after 40 years. Your father has probably not fared that well either. The fast pace of technology change and productivity improvements, in an increasingly competitive market, have forced companies to change their strategy, frequently upgrade and improve their products or services, and adjust their workforce. Downsizing, outsourcing, automation, financial pressures, short-term demands, and failed strategy all contribute challenges to your career and your ultimate retirement goal. How can one prepare for, react to, and manage this situation? Smart, proactive career planning, management, and transition may be the answer. The objective of this workshop is to increase your awareness of the unintended consequences of change, to expect the unexpected, and to motivate you to proactively execute your career goals.
David Smith, CEO of HBMG, Inc.
Topic: Vision on Technology and Future Jobs
The pace of technology innovation is increasing so fast that many have a hard time choosing where to focus and how to discover what is new. Most delay action and then miss the window to innovate. The growth of complex systems and a global infrastructure has changed the decision and education process. The ability to adapt to real-time and continuous learning will provide an advantage for professionals of the future. A future focus and focused innovation will drive the next generations of products and services.
Tommy Chiodo, M. Ed., LPC., Career Counselor
Topic: Defining Career Success – Beyond Skills and Experience
Companies focus their hiring criteria primarily around skills match and experience. This makes sense as skills and experience are fundamental measures of productivity, which is generally considered the key parameter in determining the right candidate. Therefore, applicants correspondingly focus their job search and marketing around these same criteria: skills and experience. But what if the hiring process was focused around a more general parameter – success? How does that impact the hiring and job search process? What is success, both for the employer as well as for the candidate? In this session, the concept of success will be examined in defining the ideal job and in managing one’s career.
Maura Thomas, President,
Topic: Empowered Productivity: Winning the War Against Information Overload
Professionals today are increasingly asked to move faster and do more. But a balanced life and time with family and friends is essential to avoiding burnout on the job. Technology generates more commitments , communication, and information than ever before. Not to mention an endless to-do list. It creates an environment where we spend all of our time being reactive, and very little time being proactive. The result is that although we seem to be busy all day, in truth we get very little of the important stuff done. In this presentation, you will: 1) Learn how you are sabotaging your own productivity and attention; 2) Be given the tools you need to regain up to two hours of your time per day; and 3) Discover the time-saving benefits of Empowered Productivity, putting YOU back in the driver’s seat of your life and work.
David Hughen, Principal,
Topic: Build Your Brand
Product and business cycles are shorter than ever. As a result, a sustained work relationship to a single job or single company is being rapidly replaced with a flex workforce model — whether someone is hired on as an employee or brought in through a consulting firm. The business environment is moving to a work setting in which employees don’t “belong” to any company for life, and their chief affiliation isn’t to a particular “function.” People who provide work services are less defined by their job title, their job description, and their company—out of necessity. In our “Build Your Brand” talk, we’ll look at how individuals can define themselves as a unique business entity, even if they’re working in a traditional job. The intent of this talk is to help attendees see value in viewing themselves beyond the four walls of the job they hold for the moment and more of a sustainable “brand” that they constantly represent to the broader business community.
Marc Miller, Career Designer
Topic: Repurpose Your Career – 5 Steps to Your Next Career Pivot
Have you ever wondered what if I had chosen a different career path? Maybe you are just ready to do something different in the second half of your life? You may be thinking it is too late to change careers. It is not! It requires a strategy and a series of practical steps including: Step 1 – Know Thyself. Take time to understand your core needs like autonomy, creativity and your own definition of a good team. Use past jobs to point to what you love and hate. Many Baby Boomers have morphed into versions of themselves in order to fit comfortably in corporate America so that they really don’t know themselves anymore. Step 2 – Build your tribe. Who can you count on for help and support in this transition? Who is going to pick up your spirits when you slip and fall? Build a team around you and keep in touch with them. Step 3 – Act on facts, not assumptions. Often we think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence but when we get there we find out its Astroturf. You need to turn off assumptions and really research new opportunities. Step 4 – Learn how to network strategically. Using social media tools like LinkedIn and Twitter you can target individuals that you need to meet and develop relationships. When you network, do it strategically. Step 5 – Learn to ask for help. Yes, I am a guy. I do not like asking for directions. But you’re heading into new territory and no one succeeds at a career pivot without others’ help.
1:00 – 2:20 : Registration and Networking
1:20 – 1:30 : Co-sponsor Chapter Promotions
1:30 – 1:35 : Opening Welcome — Bill Martino
1:35 – 2:25 : “Vision on Technology and Future Jobs” – David Smith, CEO, HBMG, Inc.
2:25 – 3:15 : “Defining Career Success – Beyond Skills and Experience” – Tommy Chioda, M. Ed., LPC, Career Councilor
3:15 – 4:05 : “Empowered Productivity: Winning the War Against Information Overload” – Maura Thomas, President,
4:05 – 4:20 : Break & Networking
4:20 – 5:10 : “Build Your Brand” – David Hughen, Principal,
5:10 – 6:00 : “Repurpose Your Career – 5 Steps to Your Next Career Pivot” – Marc Miller, Career Designer