Date:  Thursday, August 17, 2006

Time:  7:00 to 9:00 pm
Location:  AT&T Laboratories (formerly SBC)

Topic:  Determining Vulnerabilities In Your IT Infrastructure
Speaker:  Douglas J. Landoll, (CISSP, CISA, MBA) -

General Manager of Security Services at En Pointe Technologies

Keeping an organization's IT infrastructure running smoothly and effectively is an important task for any organization. Among the many duties of the infrastructure staff is the identification and control of a variety of vulnerabilities that may negatively affect the performance of the infrastructure. It is important to be diligent and complete when handling these vulnerabilities since any hole in the infrastructure can lead to catastrophic consequences. Yet the efforts supported by organizations to identify and control infrastructure vulnerabilities is dangerously narrow and incomplete. This presentation will focus on a methodology to more completely identify IT infrastructure vulnerabilities in support of the mission.

Speaker Bio:

Doug is currently General Manager of Security Services at En Pointe Technologies with over 18 years experience performing information system evaluations including security risk assessments for government and industry. He was previously President of Veridyn where he developed their proprietary Security Risk Assessment Methodology. He is a former National Security Agency Trust Evaluator who performed “Orange Book” evaluations and developed the INFOSEC curriculum for the agency.