The November monthly meeting will be a joint meeting with the Central Texas Women in Engineering chapter.  Please visit the following link on their chapter website for more details:


Date:  Thursday, November 16, 2006

Time:  6:00 to 8:00 pm
Location:  National Instruments (map)

11500 North MoPac

Building C, Room 1S15

Austin, TX  78759

Topic:  What Does the 2006 Election Mean to IEEE?
Speaker:  Russell Harrison and Erica Wissolik


Two members of IEEE-USA’s Government Affairs staff will join the Central Texas section on November 16th to discuss the role of engineers in politics at both the state and federal level.

Topics to be discussed will include:

  • Analysis from the November 7th National Election

  • Preview of the 2007 Texas Legislative Session

  • Outlook for the 2007 Congressional session

  • Prospects for legislation affecting engineers in 2007

We will also be discussing ways to improve communication between engineers, the Central Texas Section and out local, state and national elected officials. Russ Harrison will discuss events that other sections have successfully used to build relationships with politicians. Erica Wissolik, who is a former staffer of the Texas Legislature, will be discussing specific ways to interact with and influence our legislators here in Texas.


Speaker Bios:

Russell Harrison is the Legislative Representative for Grassroots Activities for IEEE-USA. He is responsible for helping IEEE members in the U.S. interact with, and ultimately influence, elected officials.

Prior to IEEE-USA, Russell spent nine years directing grassroots programs at the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries and the American Iron and Steel Institute. In these positions he represented the recycling and steel industries on Capitol Hill and in state capitols on a variety of issues as a professional lobbyist.

Russell has a Masters of Public Policy from the University of Maryland and a BA in Political Science, with minors in History and Communications, from Allegheny College.


Erica Wissolik serves as Program Manager for Government Activities and is responsible for managing IEEE-USA’s Government Activities, including the IEEE-USA's Government Fellows and Washington Internships programs. She is the editor of IEEE-USA's Eye on Washington newsletter and supports advocacy efforts on IEEE-USA's career and technology policy priorities.

Erica joined IEEE-USA after six years of working as a policy analyst for the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission, where she managed the statutory reviews of several state regulatory agencies. She worked on reviews of the agencies responsible for parks and wildlife, as well as health and human services. Prior her time in Texas, Erica worked for the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, where she served as an Information Specialist and a Program Coordinator for the Special Congressional Task Force for the Development of Parliamentary Institutions in Eastern Europe.

Erica holds a Masters of Public and International Affairs from the University of Pittsburgh and a B.A. in Political Science from Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, PA.