Date:  Thursday, October 19, 2006

Time:  7:00 to 9:00 pm
Location:  AT&T Laboratories (formerly SBC)

9505 Arboretum Blvd.

Austin, TX 78759

Topic:  How do you transverse the fiscal gap between “good idea” and “demonstrable, fully operating proof of principle” without giving away all control and technical rights to a venture capitalist??
Speaker:  Fred Patterson, SBIR - Commercialization Funding Coach


The Small Business Innovation Research Program is the application of the creative, innovative, and entrepreneurial spirit of small businesses to solving technological problems faced by agencies of the Federal Government. Each year, Federal agencies who spent over $100 million on externally funded R&D for providing, under the protective legislation of the SBIR Act, the funding of small business technology development from design to prototype to commercialization. Come and learn about the program, application process and how to get your funding for your start-up idea.

Speaker Bio:

Fred Patterson, the Commercialization Funding Coach was a co-founder and executive officer of two of Texas’ most successful SBIR award winning companies [Systems & Processes Engineering Corporation (SPEC) and Radiant Photonics (formerly known as Radiant Research)], he has been involved in the execution of over 150 SBIR contracts, one third of those Phase II programs. Add his experience as The SBIR Coach with guiding small business clients to SBIR success using his proprietary SBIR Playbook, and the total of winning proposals he has had a hand in, is over 200. His Phase I “batting average” is over .300 (double the national average of .150); his Phase II “slugging percentage” is over .800 (again double the national average); and he has helped raise over $25 million in Phase III funding in an environment where fewer than 5% of SBIR awardees ever do any commercialization at all.