
Service |
Science Fair Judging at Harris Bilingual
Elementary School
Thursday, February 3, 2005 (9:00am to 11:30am)
Harris Bilingual (English/Spanish)
Elementary School (Fort Collins, CO)
Your friendly IEEE SSCS officers served again as Science Fair Judges at
Harris Bilingual Elementary, a local Fort Collins school. We were hosted by Mrs.
Isabel Chavez-McBeth. After a hearty breakfast provided by Mrs.
Chavez-McBeth, we judged 37 fifth-grade projects to decide on
the top three projects that would go on to compete at a state-wide
We continue to be impressed with the children's
creativity and their ability to apply the scientific method. First
place went to a project that investigated the effectiveness of various
cleaning agents. Second place went to a student who studied the
effects of surface tension. The third place project investigated how
different types of barriers faired against strong waves in gaining a
better understanding of how to mitigate the impact of tsunamis. Well
We encourage you to participate in
future community events. You'll be contributing back to the
community, and it's fun and rewarding!!! Please visit the Poudre
School District site for more information on volunteering. Thanks
again to Mrs. Chavez-McBeth
for giving us this opportunity.
PHOTOS Courtesy
of Bob Barnes