From I-25, take Harmony Road Exit (Exit 265) westbound, and enter AMD
campus on right immediately following Harmony/Ziegler intersection.
AMD is located on the NW corner of Harmony Road and Ziegler Road.
Proceed to 3rd floor for escort to seminar auditorium. Non-AMD
employees: please arrive at 9:45am for security sign-in and escort.
Bruce Doyle
(M’84) received the BSEE degree from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
in 1984. Since 1984, he has been involved in the design of memories,
graphics processors, analog circuits, mixed-signal IC’s,
high-performance microprocessors, and leading edge IO technologies. From
2002 to 2006, he worked for Hewlett-Packard / Intel in Fort Collins, CO,
on the Itanium family of high-performance microprocessors as a physical
designer in high-speed I/Os, clocking, and thermal systems. Currently,
he is a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Advanced Micro Devices in
the Mile High Design Center, Fort Collins, CO, where he is focused on
developing next generation IO technology focused on lower power I/Os and
optical interconnect systems. His expertise includes I/O design,
high-speed circuit design, analog circuit design, and mixed-signal
verification. He holds 12 US patents and has published 8
technical/conference papers. He currently serves as Chair of the
Fort Collins IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society technical chapter and as
a technical reviewer of IEEE journals such as the Journal of Solid-State
Circuits. |