The IEEE constantly reviews its membership data for valuable information and guidance when examining levels of service. One vital piece of information has surfaced regarding membership retention: a large percentage of recent graduates allow their memberships to lapse. While we find these members returning to the IEEE approximately 5 years later, we must examine the meaning behind the data.
The GOLD, (Graduates of the Last Decade ), affinity group has been established to provide the framework and tools for the Sections to use in retaining this valuable group of members. By identifying those who make up this affinity group, determining their needs and expectations, and acting to meet those needs and expectations, the goal of GOLD is to add such value to the IEEE membership that the recent graduate finds it to be an indispensable professional tool.
Our section initiated a GOLD affinity group to address the needs of recent graduates among our membership.
The Panhandle Section of IEEE was recently awarded a certificate of appreciation by the IEEE GOLD committee and its Chair, Slawa Wesolkowski, for the formalization of an IEEE Graduates Of the Last Decade Affinity Group.
If you are a graduate of the last decade and want to learn more about the exciting events or benefits your Sections GOLD affinity group can provide, please contact our GOLD chair,
Brian Byrd at Brian Byrd's e-mail or phone him at (806) 359-2624. Also, please indicate whether or not you would like to participate in and/or help organize GOLD activities.Be on the lookout for an upcoming GOLD meeting!!! And remember that GOLD meetings and activities are NOT restricted to GOLD members, each and every member of our Section is invited and encouraged to attend all GOLD meetings.