2013 Upcoming IEEE Panhandle Section Meetings

This month....

The Panhandle Section of theInstitute of Electrical and Electronic EngineersThe Power & Energy Society Presents.......


Topic:  “Quality Assurance Program” (Specific to Utility)
Speaker:        Andre Uribe, Power Grid Engineering Company
When:   Tuesday, August 20, 2013
11:45 am to 1:30 pm
Where:  Amarillo Club Sunburst room, 30th floor Chase Tower 
600 South Tyler St
Amarillo, TX 79101
Attire: Business Casual
Cost:   $15.00 per person 
payable to IEEE Panhandle Section at the door
Meal:   Buffet Style Lunch
RSVP:   Please make reservations by COB on Monday, August 19 with Mohsen Ghavami at (806) 378-2787 or by e-mail at “mohsen.ghavami@xcelenergy.com”.
No IEEE membership is required for this meeting. For more information on the Panhandle Section of IEEE refer to the section's website atwww.ewh.ieee.org/r5/panhandle
Andre Bio
Andre Uribe is co-founder and vice president of Business Development for Power Grid Engineering, LLC (PGE). Founded in 2007, PGE is an electrical engineering firm specializing in the areas of Relay Protection & Control, Transmission Systems Planning, Power Systems Studies, Substation Design & Engineering, Communication Systems, Field Services and Power Systems Training and Seminars.
Prior to 2007, Uribe was a Protection & Control Engineer at Progress Energy. There, he and the other partners became acutely aware of the need for improved quality assurance practices as it relates to Protection & Control engineering, and left to establish PGE. Since inception, Uribe has led the business development initiatives, helping to grow the company and its service lines, from a home-based start-up focusing on Protection & Control engineering, to a multi-million dollar consulting firm with seven service lines, three office locations throughout the United States and more than 100 employees.
Uribe is an active member of IEEE and chairs the PSRC Quality Assurance for Protection & Control Design Committee. Comprised of leading industry experts, this committee works to identify best practices in quality control measures for Protection & Control engineering. Their findings will be complied in a white paper and available for review in 2014.
Uribe is a graduate of the University of Central Florida, where he earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. He has also proudly served the United States Navy as a communication specialist.
About the Presentation
With an aging infrastructure and the lack of resources in the utility industry, Quality Assurance is becoming a hot topic in our industry. High volume of work with little resource and limited capital is a recipe for disaster. This presentation will illustrate some industry examples of poor quality practices in engineering design and its cost implications. It will cover some the tools and ideas that can be applied to ensure quality of deliverables in engineering and how to minimize the learning curve of brining on new resources such as new hires or vendors to an organization. Finally, it will go over strategies for developing the culture of quality within your organization.
About Power Grid Engineering
Power Grid Engineering, LLC (PGE) specializes in engineering design and consultation for the power systems industry. Our corporate headquarters, located in Central Florida and our offices in Birmingham, AL, Raleigh, NC and Wichita, KS are equipped with the most current computer technologies, software, equipment and resources available in the industry.
The founders of PGE are dedicated to providing the highest quality services and product design to our clientele. The members of our corporate leadership team provide our clients with experience and qualifications earned over decades of providing utility-grade engineering services to some of the largest investor-owned utility companies in the U.S.
PGE is proud to have developed in-house project teams comprised of highly-qualified technical engineers and operational professionals, with exceptional Quality Assurance (QA) processes assuring our clients superior levels of service and excellence.
From inception, our team has banded together with our clients and partners to exceed all expectations – whether related to service, quality or revenue generation – PGE has enjoyed healthy and consistent growth despite turbulent economic conditions. We are honored to work with various utility companies, across the country and abroad, from small industrial entities to Fortune 250 investor-owned utility companies.


Past Meetings

February 21, 2013 Meeting

Topic:      Annual Engineer's Week Banquet, IEEE will be presenting the IEEE Leadership Award for 2013

Guest Speaker: Paul Harpole, Mayor of Amarillo

When:      Thursday, February 21, 2013, 6:30 PM Social, 7:00 PM Dinner

Where:       The Amarillo Club, Sunburst Room

Who:       IEEE Members and your spouse/guest

Attire:         Formal, Coat and Tie preferred

Cost:              $35.00* per person for TSPE and non- IEEE members. $20.00 per person for IEEE Members and one guest (Date/Spouse) 

                     *RSVP requires payment whether or not you attend the banquet. Please make checks payable to Panhandle Chapter TSPE.

                    **NEW** Payment can be made through Paypal by visiting the 

                        Panhandle Chapter website: https://www.tspepanhandle.org/eweek/banquet

Meal:        Steak, Fish (Mahi Mahi) Chicken With Pasta with Salad, Vegetable, Roll, Iced Tea, Water, Coffee, Dessert

RSVP:          By Tuesday, February 18, 2013 to Matt Holmes @(806-359-2551 or holmest@zhi.com)


January 30, 2013 Meeting

Topic:        Greg Sagan: “Getting my Boss to Understand Me”

When:        Wednesday, January 30, 2013, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

Where:        Macaroni Joe’s, 1619 S Kentucky St., Amarillo, TX

Who:          IEEE members and guests are invited to attend

Attire:          Business casual

Cost:            $15.00 per person for IEEE members payable to IEEE Panhandle Section at the door

RSVP:          Please make reservations by COB on Tuesday, January 29 with Steven Hudson at (806) 378-2165 or by e-mail at Steven's E-mail.


November Meeting

The Panhandle Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

and the GOLD Affinity Group presents...

Topic: Dr. Kenneth Leitch – Exploring the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) criteria.

When: Thursday, November 1, 2012 12:00 to 1:30 PM

Where: Amarillo Club Empire Room 30th Floor, Chase Tower, 6th & Tyler Amarillo, TX

Who: IEEE members are invited to attend

Attire: Business Casual

Cost: $15.00 per person for IEEE members payable to IEEE Panhandle Section at the door

Meal: Buffet Style Lunch

RSVP: Please make reservations by COB on Tuesday, October 30th with Jonathan Snodgrass at (806) 359-2602 or by e-mail at Jonathan's E-mail. Attendance is limited to 30.


October Meeting

The Panhandle Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

and the Consultant’s Network Affinity Group presents...

Topic: "Potential Concerns and Mitigation for Shunt Capacitor and Reactor Switching" by Luke Collette of Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc.    He will provide a technical presentation on switching concerns. Bring your questions!

When: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 12:00 to 1:30 PM

Where: Dyers Bar B Que 1619 S. Kentucky Amarillo, TX

Who: IEEE members and guests are invited to attend

Attire: Business Casual

Cost: $15.00 per person for IEEE members payable to IEEE Panhandle Section at the door

Meal: Family Style

RSVP: Please make reservations by COB on Monday, October 15 with Steven Hudson at (806) 378-2165 or by e-mail at Steve Hudson's E-mail


September Meeting

The Panhandle Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

and the Power Engineering Society presents....

Topic:   "It’s Up In The Air" by Scott Cook 

                Scott Cook with Haverfield Aviation provides a technical overview of LIDAR, X-Ray, and Infrared Aerial Services.

When:   Tuesday, September 18, 2012 12:00 to 1:30 PM

Where:   Hoffbrau Steaks Interstate 40 Frontage Road Amarillo, TX 79106 (806) 358-6595

Who:   IEEE members and guests are invited to attend

Attire:   Business Casual

Cost:    $10.00 per person for IEEE members payable to IEEE Panhandle Section at the door

Meal:   Ordered off limited lunch menu and included with IEEE Registration Fee

RSVP:   Please make reservations by COB on Monday, September 17 with Steven Hudson at (806) 378-2165 or by e-mail at Steve's E-mail.


August Meeting

The Panhandle Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and the 

Consultant’s Network Affinity Group presents:

Topic: "Whippersnappers, Geezers, and Gizmos: A New Style of Effective Communication" by Darrin Murphy

                Learn how to adapt to varied technological understandings and communication methods between our colleagues

When: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 from 12:00-1:30 PM

Where: Amarillo Club, Sunburst West Room 30th Floor, Chase Tower, 6th & Tyler Amarillo, TX

Who: IEEE members and guests are invited to attend

Attire: Business Casual

Cost: $15.00 per person for IEEE members payable to IEEE Panhandle Section at the door

Meal: Buffet Style Lunch

RSVP: Please make reservations by COB on Monday, August 27 with Steven Hudson at (806) 378-2824 or by e-mail at  Steve Hudson's E-mail

               Attendance is limited to 50.


February Meeting

Topic:      Annual Engineer's Week Banquet

When:      Thursday, February 23, 2012, 6:30 PM Social, 7:00 PM Dinner

Where:       The Amarillo Club, Sunburst Room

Who:       IEEE Members and your spouse/guest

Attire:         Formal, Coat and Tie preferred

Cost:              $15.00 per person for IEEE Members and one guest (Date/Spouse) 

                     *RSVP requires payment whether or not you attend the banquet. Please make checks payable to Panhandle Chapter TSPE.

                    **NEW** Payment can be made through Paypal by visiting the Panhandle Chapter website: https://www.tspepanhandle.org/eweek/banquet

Meal:        Prime Rib, Salmon and Chicken With Salad, Vegetable, Roll Iced Tea, Water, Coffee, Dessert

RSVP:          By Tuesday, February 21, 2012 to Jonathan Burkhard @(806-681-9736 or BurkhardJ@zhi.com)

Resistor Rule

January Meeting

Topic:       Tour of Bell Helicopter’s Amarillo Facility

When:       Monday, January 23, 2012, 12:00 to 1:30 PM

Where:        Bell Helicopter, 401 Tiltrotor Dr, Amarillo, TX

Who:       IEEE members and guests are invited to attend

Attire:         Business Casual. Closed toe shoes are required.

Cost:              $8.00 per person payable to Bell Helicopter for lunch

Meal:        Fajita Chicken Salad

RSVP:          Please make reservations by COB on Friday, January 13th with Steven Hudson at (806) 576-7682 or by e-mail at StevenHudson@ieee.org.

Resistor Rule

2011 Meetings

Topic:       Dan Nichols – Duke Electric, Inc.

When:       Wednesday, December 21, 2011, Lunch and program to begin at 12:00 noon.

Where:        Hoffbrau Steaks, 7203-G IH-40 West, Amarillo, TX 79106

Who:         IEEE members are invited to attend

Attire:         Business Casual

Cost:              $10.00 per person for IEEE members payable to IEEE Panhandle Section at the door

Meal:        LUNCH MENU to be provided.

RSVP:          Please make reservations with Dustin Eiland at (806) 378-2434 or by e-mail at dustin.e.eiland@xcelenergy.com. 

Resistor Rule

Topic:        Cindy Fogiel – With Prudential Ada, Realtors

When:        Monday, November 14, 2011, 12:00 to 1:30 PM,

Where:        Hoffbrau Steaks, 7203-G IH-40 West, Amarillo, TX 79106

Who:         IEEE members are invited to attend

Attire:         Business Casual

Cost:            $15.00 per person for IEEE members payable to IEEE Panhandle Section at the door

Meal:         Menu Style Lunch

RSVP:          Please make reservations by COB on Friday, November  11th with Nathan Ciomperlik at (806) 359-2605 or by e-mail at Nathan Ciomperlik e-mail  

                    Attendance is limited to 30.

Resistor Rule

Topic:        Information Meeting on the updates to the Amarillo Airport

When:        Thursday, September 8, 2011, 6:00 to 8:00 PM,

Where:        Hoffbrau Steakhouse at 7203 W I-H 40 West, Amarillo, TX 79106

Who:          IEEE members / TSPE members and guest are invited to attend

Attire:          Business Casual

Cost:            $10.00 per person for IEEE members and guest payable to IEEE Panhandle Section at the door

Meal:         https://hoffbrausteaks.com/menus/group-dining/menu-option-3/

RSVP:          Please make reservations by COB on Friday, September 6th with Dustin Eiland at (806) 282-7595 or by e-mail at Dustin Eiland e-mail  Attendance is limited to 40.

Resistor Rule

Panhandle IEEE GOLD Affinity Group Video Presentation on 

Green Technologies on Photo-Voltaic and Plug-in Hybrid Cars 

When:     Thursday, May 26, 2011

Time:      12:00 to 1:30 PM– Lunch

Location:  The Amarillo Club, Sunburst Room East

Cost:     $15.00 per person for IEEE members payable to IEEE Panhandle Section at the door

Meal:     Buffet Style Lunch

RSVP:   Please make reservations by COB on Tuesday, May 24th with Brian Byrd at (806) 359-2624 or 

               by e-mail at <ByrdB@ieee.org>, "Attendance is limited to 30"

Resistor Rule

Engineer's Banquet, Joint Meeting with ASME, ASCE, & TSPE on February 24th, 2011

When: Thursday, February 24, 2011

Time:  6:30 P.M. – Social; 7:00 P.M. – Dinner

Location:  The Amarillo Club, Sunburst Room

DINNER SELECTIONS:  Prime Rib, Salmon and Chicken With Salad, Vegetable, Roll Iced Tea, Water, Coffee Dessert

Cost: $35 / person*, RSVP  By Tuesday, February 22, 2011 to Jonathan Burkhard (806-359-2561 or BurkhardJ@zhi.com) . Please indicate affiliated organization(s)

*RSVP requires payment whether or not you attend the banquet. Please make checks payable to Panhandle Chapter TSPE.

**NEW** Payment can be made through Paypal by visiting the Panhandle Chapter website: https://www.tspepanhandle.org/eweek-banquet

On this meeting we will announce the PANHANDLE SECTION IEEE Outstanding Member Award . Let us know of a section member that you believe should be recognized as this year’s outstanding member.  The deadline is February 8th.  Please submit the nomination form  to Rhett DeSpain through his email or by mail at PO Box 1261, Amarillo, TX 79105:

Resistor Rule

January 2011 Section Meeting

Speaker: Kyle Vest from Edward Jones

Topic: Discussion of the Current Investment Market, the Economy, and other Investment Topics  

When: Tuesday, January 25, 2010
Dinner and program to begin at 6:30 p.m.

Where:  Cattle Call Restaurant, 4111 Wolflin Ave (East of Western on I-40 )

Who: IEEE members and each member’s guest are invited to attend

Attire: Business Casual or Starched Jeans Preferred (no sweats or t-shirts, please)

Cost: Each attendee will be responsible for their meal

Meal:  Cattle Call Dining Menu, https://www.cattlecall.com/CattleCallMenu.pdf

RSVP:  Please make reservations by Monday January 24 at 5:00PM with Brian Byrd at (806) 359-2624 or by e-mail at Brian Byrd e-mail

For more information on the Panhandle Section of IEEE refer to the section's web site at www.ewh.ieee.org/r5/panhandle

Resistor Rule

December Section Meeting Sponsored by Power and Energy Society

Speaker: Mike Mount – GarretCom Inc.

Topic: Substation and Industrial Networking , Come learn the difference between network switches, routers, terminal servers, converters, managed versus unmanaged devices, and be introduced to NERC/CIP product solutions.

When: Monday, December 13, 2010 Lunch and program to begin at 12:00 noon.

Where: Amarillo Club Empire Room - 30th floor Chase Tower, 600 S. Tyler, Amarillo, TX

Who: IEEE members and guests are invited to attend

Attire: Business Casual

Cost: $15 per person

Checks payable to IEEE Panhandle Section at the meeting

Meal: Buffet

RSVP: Please make reservations with Scott Davis at (806) 376-9678 or by e-mail at s.w.davis@ieee.org

Reservations must be received by Friday, December 10 at noon.

For more information on the Panhandle Section of IEEE refer to the section's web site at www.ewh.ieee.org/r5/panhandle

Resistor Rule

September Section Joint Meeting with TSPE 

Speaker: Dr. LaVelle Mills, WTAMU Associate Dean & Professor of Management and Dr. De’Arno De’Armond, WTAMU Assistant Professor of Finance & Hickman Professor of Marketing

Topic: Presentation on the WTAMU MBA Program  

When: Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Dinner and program to begin at 7:00 p.m.

Where:  Hoffbrau Steakhouse Meeting Room (From I-40 & Coulter, Head East 1 Block Down the South Access Rd)

Who: IEEE members and TSPE members are invited to attend

Attire: Business Casual or Starched Jeans Preferred (no sweats or t-shirts, please)

Cost: $15.00 per person for IEEE and TSPE members
Checks payable to IEEE-Panhandle Section at the door

Meal:  Hoffbrau Group Dining Menu Option #2, https://www.hoffbrausteaks.com/menus.html#

RSVP:  Please make reservations by Monday, September 13th at 5p.m. with Brian Byrd at (806) 359-2624 or by e-mail at Brian Byrd’s e-mail


Resistor Rule

The IEEE Power and Energy Society and Panhandle Section 

May 13, 2010 Meeting Presents: 

IEC 61850 Communications Protocol

Speaker: Adrian McNulty and Jay Hicks – ABB Substation Automation Division

When: Thursday, May 13, 2010, Lunch and program to begin at 12:00 noon.

Where: Amarillo Club, Empire Room - 30th floor, Chase Tower, 600 S. Tyler, Amarillo, TX

Who: IEEE members and guests are invited to attend

Attire: Business Casual

Cost: $15 per person, Checks payable to IEEE Panhandle Section at the meeting

Meal: Buffet

RSVP: Please make reservations with Scott Davis at (806) 359-2600 or e-mail at DavisS@zhi.com.                   

                Reservations must be received by Tuesday, May 11th at noon.

Resistor Rule


April 2010 Section Meeting


Speaker: Allan Gwyn, Meteorologist for News Channel 10

Topic: Weather Forecasting Technology 

When: Wednesday, April 7, 2010, Dinner and program to begin at 12:00 p.m.

Where:  Amarillo Club, Sunburst East Room (30th Floor, Chase Tower, 6th & Tyler Amarillo, TX)

Who: IEEE members are invited to attend

Attire: Business Casual

Cost: $15.00 per person for IEEE members and same for guest. Checks payable to IEEE-Panhandle Section at the door

Meal:  Buffet Style Lunch

RSVP:  Please make reservations by Monday, April 5 at 5:00PM with Brian Byrd at (806) 359-2624 or by e-mail at ByrdB@zhi.com.

March 2010 Section Meeting: See Spring 2010 Seminar 

February 2010 Section Meeting: Annual Engineers Week Banquet

(Joint meeting with ASME, ASCE, IEEE & TSPE)

WHEN: Thursday, February 18, 2010; 

TIME: 6:30 P.M. – Social; Dinner starts at 7:00 PM

LOCATION: The Amarillo Club Sunburst Room (600 S. Tyler St, Chase Building 31st Floor)

DINNER SELECTIONS: Prime Rib, Salmon and Chicken With Salad, Vegetable, Roll, Icede Tea, Water, Coffee, Dessert

COST: $20 / person for IEEE Members and IEEE Spouses/Guests ( In order to get this special cost you must tell Mr. Burkhard when RSVP'ing that you and your guest qualify for IEEE pricing)

RSVP: By Tuesday, February 16, 2010 to Jonathan Burkhard (359-2561 or BurkhardJ@zhi.com) Please indicate affiliated organization(s)

*RSVP requires payment whether or not you attend the banquet. Please make checks payable to Panhandle Chapter TSPE.


January 2010 Section Meetings:

Speaker: Dr. Duane Rosa, West Texas A&M University Professor of Economics and Regional Director of the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) Regional Division

Topic: Discussion of the 2010 Economy  

When: Tuesday, January 19, 2010, Dinner and program to begin at 6:30 p.m.

Where:  Hoffbrau Steakhouse Meeting Room (From I-40 & Coulter, Head East 1 Block Down the South Access Rd)

Who: IEEE members and each member’s guest are invited to attend

Attire: Business Casual or Starched Jeans Preferred (no sweats or t-shirts, please)

Cost: $15.00 per person for IEEE members and same for guest. Checks payable to IEEE-Panhandle Section at the door

Meal:  Hoffbrau Group Dining Menu Option #2, https://www.hoffbrausteaks.com/menus.html#

RSVP:  Please make reservations by Friday January 15 at 5:00PM with Michael Rebstock at (806) 378-2461 or by e-mail at Michael Rebstock e-mail

Resistor Rule


November, 2009 Section Meeting

On November 4, 2009 the Panhandle Section of the IEEE met jointly with the Section's

Graduates Of the Last Decade (GOLD) group in the Amarillo Club Empire Room.

 Dr. Shawn Fouts of Amarillo College spoke on Personal Networking.


Resistor Rule

October, 2009 Section Meeting

On October 19, 2009 the Panhandle Section of the IEEE met jointly with the Consultants' Network

in the Empire Room of the Amarillo Club. Mr. Cesar Ramos of Wind Works gave a program

on residential wind generation installations.

Resistor Rule

September, 2009 Section Meeting

 On September 9, 2009 The Panhandle Section of IEEE held a meeting jointly with TSPE in the Sunburst Room of the Amarillo Club. A.J. Swope of Class 4 Winds gave a presentation on Wind power in the Panhandle of Texas.

Resistor Rule


June, 2009 Section Meeting


On June 25, 2009 the Panhandle Section and the PES held a joint meeting in the Amarillo Club.

During the meeting Scott Davis presented to Rhett DeSpain the Past Chair's Recognition Plaque.

Following this, Matt Leoni of SEL presented a program on Smart Grid technology.


Resistor Rule

April, 2009 Section Meeting

On April 21, 2009 the Gold Affinity Group together with the Panhandle Section hosted a program

on the Mathcounts competition in Amarillo. Wayne Acklin, Mathcounts Coordinator, discussed

the history of the effort and this year's competition.

Resistor Rule

March, 2009 Section Meeting

On Thursday, March 19th the Consultants' Network Affinity Group of the Panhandle Section enjoyed a tour of the Pacific Cheese Plant. Members met at the plant at 6:30pm and enjoyed a "cool" tour of the business.

Resistor Rule


February, 2009 Section Meeting

ASME, ASCE, IEEE & TSPE presented the annual Engineers Week Banquet
on Thursday, February 19, 2009 in the Sunburst Room of the Amarillo Club. At 6:30 attendees enjoyed visiting prior to dinner at 7:00. Prior to the main program Rhett DeSpain received the Section Leadership and Achievement Award. Guest speaker Dr. Guy Bailey, Texas Tech President, spoke to the group about exciting developments at Tech.

Resistor Rule


January, 2009 Section Meeting

January 15th in the Amarillo Club the Panhandle Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers hosted Dr. Richard Gale, Marcus Borhani, PE, and Professor Brian Nutter as they discussed the exciting, upcoming Region V Conference to be held April 16th and 17th in Lubbock, Texas. Topics covered included the Paper submissions, the Green Technology Conference portion of the event, and available service opportunities.

Resistor Rule


December, 2008 Section Meeting

The December meeting was held at the Hoffbrau Restaurant in Amarillo at 6:30 on

December 1st. After the meal a great presentation on Arc Flash Protection

was given by Mr. Bob Wilson of ABB.


Resistor Rule


November, 2008 Section Meeting

The November meeting was held in the Amarillo High School Cafeteria at 6:30 on

November 10th. Members of the Amarillo High School Texas B.E.S.T. team

showed off their robotics entry and gave a program including a demonstration

of the robot and a discussion about their success in competition.


Resistor Rule


October, 2008 Section Meeting


The October meeting was held on October 22nd at the Amarillo Club. A presentation

was made about the IEEE TV online service.


Resistor Rule


September, 2008 Section Meeting


The September meeting was held together with the Panhandle Chapter of TSPE on September 9th at Dyer's Barbecue. Freddie J. Davis, PhD, PE, Department Head and Associate Professor of Engineering and Computer Science at West Texas A&M University gave a presentation on the developing engineering programs at WTU. Dr. Davis discussed the existing degree programs and plans to add more engineering disciplines over the next few years.


Resistor Rule


Another June, 2008 Section Meeting

The Power Engineering Society meeting was held jointly with the Section. The meeting, on June 24th, was held at 11:45 in the Amarillo Club at 6th & Tyler. David Stidham spoke on Large Scale Windfarm Construction.

Resistor Rule

June, 2008 Section Meeting


The June 10, 2008 meeting of the Panhandle Section of the IEEE together with the Consultants Network was held at Noon in the Ben E. Keith facility in Amarillo. Dee Herring and Henry Garcia led a complete and very interesting tour of the Warehouse and described the operation of the installation.

Resistor Rule

May, 2008 Section Meeting

The May 13th meeting of the Panhandle Section of the IEEE was held at 6:30 pm at Dyer's Bar-B-Que. Gene Wolf of Wolf Engineering LLC in Albuquerque gave a program on Intelligent Grid Transmission Planning.


Resistor Rule


February, 2008 Section Meeting

The February 15th meeting of the Panhandle Section was held jointly with TSPE, ASME, and ASCE, celebrating Engineers Week. At 7pm the group met in the Amarillo Club Sunburst Room for a social time followed by the evening meal. At the meeting member and past Chair Duane Ripperger was presented with the 2008 Leadership and Achievement Award. After awards presentations Annette Carlisle of Panhandle 2020 presented a program on the work of that group, with special emphasis on concerns regarding the area's education statistics.

Resistor Rule


January, 2008 Section Meeting

The January meeting of the Panhandle Section was held on January 22, 2008 at 6:30 PM in the Amarillo Club Sunburst West room.Kenny Munsell Installed new officers for calendar year 2008. Following the installation, Mr. Buzz David of the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation gave an interesting and educational presentation on the activities presently underway with the Amarillo EDC. Mr. David also noted target development goals and opportunities Corporation is actively pursuing.


Resistor Rule


December, 2007 Section Meeting

The December meeting of the Panhandle Section was held on December 4, 2007 at Dyer's Restaurant. Mr. Jeffrey T. Burnham, NGK-LOCKE, Inc made a presentation on the NAS (sodium sulfur) battery:

“NGK’s NAS battery: A tool for Solving Power and energy Problems”


Resistor Rule


November, 2007 Section Meeting



The November meeting was held in the Sunburst Room of the Amarillo Club

 at noon on November 7, 2007. Ben Richardson of San Jacinto Christian

Academy spoke about the Lego Robotics program at the school and how it

encourages student interest in science and engineering. (Your Panhandle Section

helped to fund the team's trip to Atlanta for competition.)


Resistor Rule


May, 2007 Section Meeting


The May meeting was held in the Empire Room of the Amarillo Club at noon on May

21, 2007. Mr. Dave Bennett of Clearwire Wireless Broadband presented "Wimax Standardization: IEEE Standard Applications".


Resistor Rule


February, 2007 Section Meeting

The February meeting was held as a joint meeting with TSPE for a celebration of Engineers Week. Members and guests enjoyed a meal followed by presentations which included two Section members receiving major recognition: John Patterson was honored as the TSPE Engineer of the Year, and Scott Davis received the Section's 2007 Leadership and Achievement Award. The presentations were followed by a program given by Amarillo Mayor Debra McCartt.   


Resistor Rule


January, 2007 Section Meeting


The January meeting was held beginning at 6:30 on January 23, 2007 at Johnny Carino's, Members and their guests/spouses enjoyed a meal followed by a very interesting presentation on Center City as related by Beth Duke and Freda Powell.


Resistor Rule


December, 2006 Section Meeting


The December meeting was held  at noon on Friday, December 12, 2006 in the Empire Room of the Amarillo Club. Mr. Bill Grant, Manager of the Texas Transmission Control Center for XCEL Energy spoke on the operation challenges of wind generation. The meeting was very informative, and the Section wants to thank Mr. Grant for the time and effort he expended in bringing this presentation to us.


Resistor Rule

November, 2006 Section Meeting


The meeting was held at the Amarillo High School cafeteria November 27, 2006. After a fajita dinner Scott Davis turned the floor over to the members of the Amarillo High School Texas B.E.S.T. team. Several team members in turn made presentations about the entire effort to that point. Specifically, the team had won the Regional competition and was headed to the State competition. A short demonstration of the robot was held in the cafeteria, followed by a demonstration run on the practice course in the Engineering lab. Team members recognized their team Coach and the volunteers (including including Panhandle Section members Scott Davis and Don Porter), who worked with them on this year's project.

Resistor Rule

October, 2006 Section Meeting


On October 26, 2006 the Panhandle Section of IEEE, together with our Consultants' Network Affinity Group, met at Zoo-Kini's to enjoy soup, salad and baked potatoes. After dinner and a brief business meeting, all in attendance adjourned to Don's Hi-Fidelity where Greg Towner demonstrated and discussed the emerging technologies in home entertainment. This was an entertaining and informative meeting, and we wish to thank Don's and Mr. Towner for bringing us this engaging program.


Resistor Rule


September, 2006 Section Meeting


The Panhandle Section of the IEEE together with the Panhandle Chapter of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers met at noon on Tuesday, September 12th at the Bell Helicopter Plant on Tiltrotor Drive in Amarillo. Bell employees John Masetta, Ed Collier, Bryan Williams, and Reylen Green served as hosts, program presenters, and tour guides for the group. New versions of the Cobra, Blackhawk, and the tiltrotor Osprey were observed in various stages of assembly.

Many thanks to our gracious hosts who went all-out to make the tour a real pleasure for all of us!


Resistor Rule


July, 2006 Section Meeting


The Panhandle Section of the IEEE together with the South Plains Section in Lubbock, Texas met on Saturday, July 29th in the Advanced Vehicle Engineering Lab at the Reese Technology Center in Lubbock, Texas.  Attendees enjoyed a presentation by the Mechanical Engineering and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Departments of Texas Tech University.


Resistor Rule

May, 2006 Section Meeting


The Panhandle Section of the IEEE met in the Amarillo Club Empire Room on Tuesday, May 8, 2006. Bruce Forsythe, General Manager, Power Transformer Division, at Southwest Electric Company, spoke on "Transformer Re-Manufacturing".


Resistor Rule

April, 2006 Section Meeting


The Panhandle Section of the IEEE met in the Donor's Lounge at the new Globe-News Center for the Performing Arts on Tuesday, April 18, 2006. Ali Tiegs, Education Director then gave the group an informative and exciting presentation and demonstration of the Center's "Artistic Excellence for Acoustics and Design".


Resistor Rule



April, 2006 Professional Topics Seminar


On April 13, 2006 the Panhandle Section of the IEEE Hosted perhaps the best

Professional Topics Seminar yet! This event drew 105 attendees! See Pictures in the Photo Album.



Resistor Rule



February, 2006 Section Meeting

Thursday, February 23, 2006 the Panhandle Section of the IEEE in a Joint meeting with TSPE celebrated Engineers Week. The meeting was held at the Tascosa Country Club. Section Chair Brenda McDermott presented Past Chair Rhett DeSpain with a plaque recognizing his work as Section Chair. Rickey Sharp presented Mike Smith with the Engineer of the Year Award, and Heidi Blasingame present Denise Moore with the Young Engineer of the Year Award. State Senator Kel Seliger then addressed the group.



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January, 2006 Section Meeting

Thursday, January 26, 2006 the Panhandle Section met at The Plaza restaurant. After introducing the Section's new Officers, Chairperson Brenda McDermott turned the meeting over to Vice-Chair Kenny Munsell who introduced Mr. DeWayne Donaldson and his co-presenter Maryellen Nelson. Mr. Donaldson gave a very interesting and informative presentation on Amarillo's YMCA, its history, and its future.

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December, 2005 Section Meeting

On Monday December 5th the Panhandle Section Power Engineering Society (PES) Sponsored the Section meeting held at the Amarillo Club at noon. Mr. Steve Kuperman of Power Measurement/Square D discussed the application of advanced metering for commercial, industrial, and utility uses.

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November, 2005 Section Meeting

On Monday, November 14, 2005 the Panhandle Section of IEEE held its Section meeting at the Amarillo High School Cafeteria. The program consisted of seeing how the Amarillo High School "Space Sandies" team accomplished their successful design, construction , and competition in the Texas B.E.S.T. (Boosting Engineering Science and Technology) engineering design program. Coaches, Sponsors, and Students were honored at this event.

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October, 2005 Section Meeting

On Tuesday, October 25th the Panhandle Section of IEEE met at the offices of Cox Communications. After a box lunch, a general meeting was held. Speaker Chris Hibbs then gave an informative presentation on VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol).  Following the presentation COX employees gave attendees an informative tour of their facilities, showing the various types of hardware in use to provide cable TV, Internet, and VOIP services.

Our thanks go out to Mr. Hibbs and all the COX employees involved in this presentation and tour! 

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                  Fall 2005 Professional Development Seminar

This event took place from 12 noon to 6:30pm Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at the Amarillo College Business and Industry Center

1314 South Polk Avenue, Amarillo, Texas

Topics Covered were:

Get Connected with Bluetooth by Mr. Jeff Hunt with Cingular Wireless 

Overview of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People presented by Cora LaGrone, Certified Trainer 

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September, 2005 Section Meeting

The Panhandle Section Meeting took place on September 27th at the AC East Campus in Amarillo, Texas.  After a catered barbecue dinner, Mr. Jack B. Stanley gave a presentation on the new Electronics Systems Technology program that is available at AC.  The presentation was followed by a tour showing the work being done by the students in the program

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May, 2005 Section Meeting

The PES Chapter had a program on Aerial Data Gathering. The meeting was held Monday May 9th at Dyer's Barbecue.

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April, 2005 Section Meeting

In this meeting held jointly with TSPE at Dyer's at noon on April 5th, Mr. Lance Kinney gave a presentation about the ethics PDH requirements for Texas Professional Engineer licensees. (Attendance counts as one PDH of ethics training for the requirement discussed at the meeting!)

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Spring 2005 Professional Development Seminar

12 noon to 6:30pm, Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Amarillo College Business and Industry Center

1314 South Polk Avenue, Amarillo, Texas

What a Great Seminar This Was!

A Brief Listing of the Presentations:

Virtual Reality - Not Just for Games 

Ethics for Employers

Creative Problem Solving

Is Anyone Listening?


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"FEBRUARY", 2005 MEETING (In March)

On March 3, 2005 members of TSPE, ASCE, ASME, and IEEE held a joint meeting at "The Gathering Place". Highlights of the meeting were presentations of IEEE Past Chair Award to Magid Zoobin, Young Engineer of the Year Award, and Engineer of the Year Award. Following those presentations state Representative John Smithee gave a very informative presentation on the present work in the Texas House, dealing primarily with an effort to reorganize the tax structure for the state. Mr. Smithee gave several examples of possible ways the House will possibly change how state taxes are derived.

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"JANUARY", 2005 MEETING (In February)

On February 3, 2005 members of the Panhandle Section and their spouses gathered at the Country Barn Restaurant for a good meal, Officer Installations, and a very entertaining presentation made by Tom "Spanky" Assiter, CAI, of Assiter and Associates, Auctioneers. Mr. Assiter spoke to the gathering about "Do You See What I See?". His presentation pointed out the many different ways people perceive things and how it can be instructive to know about those differences when trying to Communicate in everyday situations.

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The Amarillo Club was the site of the December meeting. At Noon on December 6th the Power Engineering Society and the Panhandle Section hosted a presentation on Uninterruptible Power Supplies.

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The Amarillo High School Cafeteria November 15th was the site for fajitas catered by Rosa's and a demonstration by the  Section-supported Texas B.E.S.T. team. Members met the sponsor, our volunteers, the students, and got a demonstration of the team's robot.

      The Nominations Committee reported nominations for next year's Section Officers.

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After a great meal at Feldman's Diner in Canyon, the members attending the October meeting adjourned to the Backyard Adventures facility. There Mr. Mike Butcher gave everyone a complete tour of the fabrication line and explained the Company's exciting manufacturing process used to make outdoor equipment for kids around the world.

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The September Meeting of IEEE was held on September 21st in the Amarillo Club. Sgt. Randy Tenbrink of the Amarillo Police Department gave an very informative and eye-opening presentation on Identity Theft.

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Send comments to: Roland Azcarraga
Last Updated on
August 18, 2013