Are you looking for Continuing Education Program  (CEP) credits for your 

Professional Development Hours (PDH) units?  

 Here's a good one coming up soon in October...

Fall 2013 Professional Development Seminar

9:00am to 5:00pm, Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Amarillo College Business and Industry Center

1314 South Polk Street, Amarillo, Texas

Join us for this valuable Continuing Education Seminar!

You’ll have a chance to win one of five $50 gift cards! To be eligible for the giveaway, 

you must be registered for the Seminar and present for the drawings.

Topic 1: The History and Heritage of Pantex Plant- A look at the genesis, history and mission of the Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration’s facility near Amarillo, Texas.

Topic 2: Environmental Regulations and the Energy Industry-coming up for air!- Presented by Dr. Jim Rogers, West Texas A&M University. – Dr. Rogers will walk you through the major environmental regulations that impact the energy industry and where in the planning, design and implementation process you should be addressing those issues. He will discuss which regulations can stop a project as well as those that can delay a project and how you, as a project designer, can avoid costly delays and hair pulling frustration. A reference handbook will be provided to all attendees.

Topic 3: Navigating the Career Maze- Presented by Jim Marchiori, University of Colorado Denver – Opportunities to set your career direction, tips for growth and development, and the derailers that can get you off course.

Topic 4: The Value of Southwest Power Pool Regional Transmission Planning- Presented by Lanny Nickell – The cost to construct and maintain the transmission system represents about 10% of retail customers’ electricity rates while the generation component of the power grid represents about 60% of customers’ rates. Should SPP invest more in the electric transmission system to facilitate delivery of capital intensive generation to where it is needed? Lanny will explain SPP’s planning process and answer this question.

Topic 5: Negligence, Engineer Conduct and the Public: the relationship that never should end with “it’s not you, it’s me”. Presented by Thomas Finn - This presentation looks at the engineer-public relationship, which is ever changing being molded by state statues and legal wranglings..

All attendees must register on-line or by mail, by Tuesday, October 1, 2013. Late registration is available only by “snail-mail” with cash or check plus a $15 late fee.

On-Line Registration: Credit Card registration go to: A 2.2% online payment fee coverage will be added to the registration fee. PLEASE PUT LAST 4 OF SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER or DATE of BIRTH IN SPECIAL NEEDS FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION.  To register by cash or check: Complete and return the attached registration form, together with your payment. If you need additional information, please contact Dustin Eiland at 806-282-7595. The proper Seminar fee must be enclosed with your mail-in form to complete your registration.



Spring 2013 Professional Development Seminar

11:00am to 7:00pm, Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Amarillo College Business and Industry Center

1314 South Polk Street, Amarillo, Texas

Join us for this valuable Continuing Education Seminar!

Join us for quality educational programs at our 31st Seminar! You’ll have a chance to win one of five $50 gift cards! 

To be eligible for the giveaway, you must be registered for the Seminar and present for the drawings.

You can now register ON-LINE OR - by mail.

Board Update and Ethics

Presented by Mr. Charles Pennington, Engineering Specialist, the Texas Board of Professional Engineers. Mr. Pennington will fill us in on the latest changes at the Texas Board of Professional Engineers, and share some ethics information.

Electricity Storage Through CAES Technology – Not Generation

Presented by Thomas Freeman, P.E. – How do we store electricity that is generated when there is no demand? A fundamental review of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) solutions that provide an economic means for recovering energy when you need it.

Engineering Human Spaceflight – Research and Development at Johnson Space Center

Presented by Matthew Hershey – Curious to learn in more detail what NASA does today to further human space exploration? Understanding our current direction, especially in the context of past space programs, can shed light on a subject that even today manages to capture much public interest. Matthew will describe the type of work being done at NASA’s Johnson Space Center to provide a clearer picture of our nation’s future in space.

International Space Station – The largest and most significant International Engineering Space endeavor ever undertaken

Presented by Mark Hershey – The ISS was created by a partnership of  5 space agencies representing 15 countries taking over 10 years and 35 missions to assemble. It weighs over 1 million pounds and orbits 220 miles above the earth at 17,500 mph. Astronauts are operating it and doing science 24 hours a day/7 days a week / 365 days a year.

Know What They’re Saying About You Online

Presented by Eric Spellmann – Don’t pay someone to manage your online reputation! Eric will show you how to monitor and manage what the Internet is saying about you. From customer reviews to news articles, someone is discussing you online. Using Eric’s proactive approach and free tools, you can make sure you are ready WHEN someone blindsides you online.

♦ The Seminar is open to everyone! – Please invite others who might be interested

♦ Lunch will be served beginning at 11:15 am and is included in the fee for the Seminar. Catering by Acapulco will include choice of Chicken or Steak Fajitas with fixings, rice, beans and Flan for dessert.

♦ Dress for this Seminar is casual and the registration will begin at 11:00am.

♦ Amarillo College will issue CEU certificates for 0.7 unit ( 7PDH) to attendees who are present for the ENTIRE Seminar.

♦ Cost:     Current member of a sponsoring organization $25; 

                Current student member or retired member of a sponsoring organization $5

                Anyone not a current member of a sponsoring organization $45

All attendees must register on-line or by mail, by Tuesday, March 12, 2013. 

Late registration is available only by “snail-mail” with cash or check plus a $15 late fee.

On-Line Registration: Credit Card registration go to:

Please put "last 4 of Social Security Number" or "date of birth" in special needs for on-line registration

To register by cash or check: Complete and return the attached registration form, together with your payment.

If you need additional information, please contact Dustin Eiland at 806-282-7595 or Juan Nieto 806-378-2148.

The proper Seminar fee must be enclosed with your mail-in form to complete your registration.



Fall 2012 Professional Development Seminar

11:00am to 7:00pm, Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Amarillo College Business and Industry Center

        1314 South Polk Street, Amarillo, Texas


Join us for this valuable Continuing Education Seminar!

Join us for quality educational programs at our 30th Seminar! You’ll have a chance to win one of five $50 gift cards!  To be eligible for the giveaway, you must be registered for the Seminar and present for the drawings.

Why Can’t We All Just Get Along ? (or – Where’d I Put That Phaser, Anyway?) – Conflict Resolution

-Presented by Alice Dendinger. We all have seen it - sometimes people or circumstances seem to conspire to make it harder just to make it through the day. We’ll get some tools to help us overcome the people and things that vex  us.

 Going Green At the VA Hospital

 -Presented by Sam Hagins – This is COOL! No, it’s pretty hot! Mr. Hagins will take us through the work done to take some sun off of parked cars and use it to generate power for the VA hospital here in Amarillo. And then   there’s thermal storage!

 Couldn’t We Get Forgiveness Instead? – A Discussion of Ethical Challenges

 -Presented by Mr. Scott Brumley – Things that can trap one into making an unfortunate ethical mistake, and what steps to take for yourself or your staff to make wiser, more ethical decisions. 

Is Making Coal Plants Pass More Gas The Right Answer?

                           Presented by David Robb – Right now one of the things that will give survivable life to a coal-fired generating plant is conversion to natural gas. Is it easy and is it the right solution? David will explain.

             Look At That Thing! It’s Making Stuff Without A Mold Or Machine Tools!

- Presented by Rusty Eulberg – If you’ve ever wanted an instant prototype; if you are an inventor; maybe you want to be; or maybe you want to know more about this technology. Rusty has a working 3D printer and can fill you in on the inner workings, materials, programming… all the basic steps building and/or working with a 3D printer.

¨       The Seminar is open to everyone! – Please invite others who might be interested

¨       Lunch will be served beginning at 11:15 am and is included in the fee for the Seminar.

              Catering by Youngblood’s will include choice of Chicken Breast With Rice and Mushroom Sauce or Roasted Top Sirloin, Tossed  Salad, AuGratin Potatoes, Vegetable Medley, Roll, Iced Tea, and Dessert.

    ¨       Dress for this Seminar is casual and the registration will begin at 11:00am.

    ¨       Amarillo College will issue CEU certificates for 0.7 unit ( 7PDH) to attendees who are present for the ENTIRE Seminar.

    ¨       Cost: Current member of a sponsoring organization (IEEE, ASME, TSPE).............................$25

                    Current student member or retired member of a sponsoring organization..................$5

                    Anyone not a current member of a sponsoring organization.......................................... $45                   

 ¨       All attendees must register on-line or by mail, by Tuesday, October 16, 2012. 

        Late registration is available only by “snail-mail” with cash or check plus a $15 late fee.

         On-Line Registration: Credit Card registration go to:

To register by cash or check: Please complete and return the registration form, together with your payment. If you need additional information, please contact Robert Bryant at 683-2187 or Lewis Thomas at 378-2112 or 353-7058. 



The 2012 Spring Professional Development Seminar

When:     11:00am to 6:30pm, Thursday, March 8, 2012

Where:   Amarillo College Business and Industry Center, 1314 South Polk Street, Amarillo, Texas

What:     Join us for quality educational programs at our 29th Seminar! You'll have a chance to win one of five $50 gift cards! To be eligible for the giveaway,  you must be registered for the Seminar and be present for the drawings.

Topic 1:    Ethics Updates - You Mean I Messed Up!?!?:  Presented by Mr. Charlie Pennington of the Texas Board of Registration. We welcome one of our        favorite presenters as he returns to update us on Board business and enforcement details.

Topic 2:     A New Angle on OH Wells - News From and About the Oil Patch: Presented by Mr. Claude Joseph - Vice President and Senior Petroleum Engineer for Union Bank. This presentation will give us an inside look at new technologies in the field, as well as business and other considerations developers are dealing with to produce our favorite fuel.

Topic 3:    Wow! My New Widget Makes Me A Bona Fide Inventor!  Presented by Roger Hayes - If you are an inventor, want to be, or want to know what the process is from idea to product or process - you'll enjoy this informative and energetic presentation.

Topic 4: What Does Uncle Sugar Want Now?? Presented by Terry Sheldon, CPA, of Johnson & Sheldon PC - We'll get an update on IRS rules that will affect returns in the future. Are there last-minute changes possible for this year's taxes? What about rumors in the wind for next year's returns?

Topic 5:  What Tool Do I Need and Why? Presented by Mr. Eric Spellmann of Spellman and Associates. Mr. Spellmann will update us on computers, phones, and tablets. Be ready for rapid-fire information on what's out there, or will be - and how to make the best use of it.

Who:      * The Seminar is open to everyone! - Please invite others who might be interested

                * Dress for this Seminar is casual and the registration will begin at 11:00am.

                *Amarillo College will issue CEU certificates for 0.7 unit ( 7PDH) to attendees who are present for the ENTIRE Seminar.

Cost:     Current members of the "sponsoring organizations" (IEEE, TSPE, ASME)..........$25

              -Current student member or retired member of a sponsoring organizations......... $5

              -Anyone not a current member of the sponsoring organizations..............................$45

MEAL Lunch will be served beginning at 11:15 am and is included in the fee for the Seminar. Catering by Rosa's will include choice of Beef or Chicken Fajitas and all the trimmings to make 'em like you like 'em, plus a nice piece of their great chocolate cake and iced tea to drink.

All attendees must pre-register so that fees & registration forms are received by Thursday. March 1. 2012. A $15 late fee is required on any registration received after this deadline. Also, we are suffering from success! We are nearing capacity in our dining facility. Please register early to insure your attendance at the Seminar! Parking is a problem! The lots south and east of the Center are closed due to construction. See the included map, for alternate parking locations.

To register, please complete and return the registration form, together with your payment. If you need additional information, please contact Robert Bryant at 683-2187 or Lewis Thomas at 378-2112 or 353-7058. The proper seminar fee must be enclosed with your registration form to complete your registration.



...The Fall 2011 Professional Development Seminar. Please join us for quality educational programs at our 28th Seminar and have a chance to win one of five $50 gift cards! To be eligible for the giveaway, you must be registered for the Seminar and present for the drawings.

Are You Still Buying Gas?: Presented by Mr. Lee Dean, GM Training Representative through arrangements made by Mr. Gary Waite of

Westgate Chevrolet - We'll get to see the Chevy Volt and find out what makes this American-made vehicle so hot.

See That Fiery Thing in the Sky? We Make Electricity From It!!!: Presented by Sun Edison. We'll hear about a new Renewable 

Energy installation in the Land of Enchantment.

Ethics for Today:  Presented by Scott Brumley, JD, County Attorney for Potter County - A view of the ethical responsibilities we bear toward

our clients/employers, the Public, and our Profession.

We Make That Box at the Top! - Alstom's New Manufacturing Facility: Presented by Mr. Scott Jones of Alstom - News about the 

new facility being built here and about the wind turbine nacelle and what's inside it. . . the working parts of a wind turbine.

A New Angle on Oil Wells - New Well Technology

Presented by Mr. Deane Bruner of MAB Resources - This presentation will give us a better idea of what oilfield developers are doing to produce our favorite fuel. 

WHEN:     October 18th, 2011,  Tuesday at 11:00am to 6:30pm

WHERE:  Amarillo College Business and Industry Center, 1314 South Polk Avenue, Amarillo, Texas

WHO: The Seminar is open to everyone! - Please invite others that might be interested

Lunch will be served beginning at 11:15 AM   and is included with the Seminar.

Catering by Youngblood Catering will include choice of Marinated Chicken on rice or Roast Sirloin, together with

salad, vegetables, au gratin potatoes, rolls, dessert, and iced tea.

Dress for this Seminar is casual and the registration will begin at 11:00 AM

Amarillo College will issue CEU certificates for 0.7 unit ( 7PDH) to Seminar participants.


        -Current members of the sponsoring organizations (IEEE, TSPE, ASME)..........$25

        -Current student member or retired member of a sponsoring organization......... $5

        -Anyone not a current member of a sponsoring organizations.............................. $45

All attendees must pre-reqister so that fees & registration forms are received by Wednesday, October 12, 2011.

A $15 "late fee" is required on any registration received after this deadline. Also, we are suffering from success! 

We are nearing capacity in our dining facility. Please register early to insure your attendance at the Seminar!

To register, please complete and return the attached registration form, together with your payment.

If you need additional information, please contact Robert Bryant at 683-2187 or Lewis Thomas at 378-2112 or 353-7058.

The proper " "Seminar fee" must be enclosed with your signed and dated registration form to complete your registration.



Spring 2011 Professional Development Seminar

Topic 1: Board Update and Ethics. Presented by Mr. Charles Pennington of the Texas Board. What you need to know about engineering ethics and how others have botched it.

Topic 2: Feeling Thirsty? Presented by Mrs.Tammy Hamby of the Canadian River Municipal Water Authority addresses your questions about the water situation in the Panhandle region.

Topic 3: Tres Amiqas - Project and Progress.  Presented by Mr. David Stidham, Senior VP and Chief Operating Officer for this highly - publicized project about which our attendees have expressed great interest.

Topic 4: Whippersnappers and Geezers - Doncha Love 'em? Presented by Mr. Darrin Murphy of AISD. We revisit our inquiry into the generational differences that make our lives and jobs difficult/interesting.

Topic 5: PCs. Cells. iPods. iPhones. iPads. the Cloud- Where's it Going? Presented by Mr. Eric Spellmann. One of the best at explaining tech to everyone, Mr. Spellmann returns to update us on the state of all that's hot/new/confusing/helpful/fun.

The Seminar is open to everyone! - Please invite others that might be interested . Lunch will be served beginning at 11:15 am and is included with the Seminar. Catering by La Fiesta Grande will include Chicken and Beef Fajitas, rice, beans, chips, salsa, dessert, and iced tea. Dress for this Seminar is casual and the registration will begin at 11:00am. Amarillo College will issue CEU certificates for 0.7 hours to Seminar participants.

WHEN:     March 22nd, 2011,  Tuesday at 11:00am to 6:30pm

WHERE:  Amarillo College Business and Industry Center, 1314 South Polk Street, Amarillo, Texas


All attendees must pre-register so that fees & registration forms are received by Wednesday, March 16.2011.

A $15 late fee is required on any registration received after this deadline. Also- we are suffering from success! We are nearing capacity in our dining facility. Please register early to insure your attendance at the Seminar!

To register, please complete and return the attached registration form, together with your payment. If you need additional information, please contact Robert Bryant at 683-2187 or Lewis Thomas at 378-2112.

The proper Seminar fee must be enclosed with your signed and dated registration form to complete your registration.

Fall 2010 Professional Development Seminar

Please join us for quality educational programs at our 26th seminar and have a chance to win one of five $50 gift card. To be eligible for the giveaway, you must be registered for the seminar and present for the drawings.

WHEN:     October 19, 2010,  Tuesday at 11:30am to 6:30pm

WHERE:  Amarillo College Business and Industry Center, 1314 South Polk Avenue, Amarillo, Texas


Board Update and Ethics  presented by Mr. Edward Ytuarte:

Mr. Edward Ytuarte, PE/PS, Executive Director of the New Mexico State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors and Julie Samora, PE, Member of the Board. We'll hear about registration, new information from the Board, and some ethics real-life situations.

Now That We Have It, Where Do We Put It? The State of Energy Storage presented by Mr. Darrell Hayslip:

Mr. Darrell Hayslip, Chief Development Officer - Xtreme Power. The Holy Grail of Green Energy is the storage of electrical energy. Mr. Hayslip will discuss the current state of storage technologies and present a real-world example to be used at the Tres Amigas project in New Mexico.

Smart Phones: What You Should Know by Mr. David Lopez:

Mr. David Lopez of Best Buy. Some basics for newbies, as well as comparisons between products to help you better choose your next communications device(s).

Stock Market 101 by Mr. Jake Wood:

Mr. Jake Wood of Wood Financial. You'll learn some of the information you need and where to look for it so you can make better decisions when investing in stocks.

Personal Networking: Moving Beyond My World:

Dr. Shawn Fouts, Dean of the Career and Technical Education Division at Amarillo College, will help us find and make use of our opportunities to improve our networking skills.

The seminar is open to everyone! - Please invite others that might be interested. Lunch will be served at 11:45am and is a part of the seminar. Dress for this seminar is casual and the registration will begin at 11:30am. Amarillo College will issue CEU certificates for 0.7 hours to seminar participant. 

COST: Current member of a sponsoring organization- $25; Current student member or retired member of a sponsoring organization $5; Anyone not a current member of a sponsoring organization $45.

All attendees must pre-register so that fees & registration forms are received by WEDNESDAY. October 13. 2010. 

A $15 late fee is required on any registration received after this deadline. Also- we are suffering from success! We are nearing capacity in our dining facility. Please register early to insure your attendance at the seminar!

To register, please complete and return the registration form, together with your payment. If you need

additional information, please contact Robert Bryant at 683-2187 or Lewis Thomas at 378-2112.

The proper seminar fee must be enclosed with your registration form to complete your registration.


Spring 2010 Professional Development Seminar

March 25, 2010 from 11:30 AM-6:30 PM

Board Update and Ethics 

Mr. Charles Pennington, Engineering Specialist, the Texas Board of Professional Engineers

discussed the latest changes at the Texas Board of Professional Engineers, and shared some ethics information.

Intellectual Property (What Every Engineer Needs to Know)

Attorney Chris Stewart (aka Mr. Intangible.)  presented an educational and and entertaining presentation on solid foundation in Intellectual Property Law to protect your professional practice. 

Smart Grid Effects on Distribution Engineering

Mr. Chris Pardington, did a tremendous job as a last minute fill-in for Mr. Kerry McBee. He talked 

about Xcel Energy Smart Grid program in Boulder Colorado, how it benefited his 

department functions in the areas of design, planning, protection schemes, 

and power quality investigations.

Traditionalist / Baby Boomer / GenX / GenY Communications

Mr. Darrin Murphy of Amarillo Independent School District shared 

some pointers on how to communicate, how to relate and 

how to have fruitful communications with different generations

...So the dumpy geek says. "Trust Me!"

Mr. Spellmann gave us a professional's review of the latest 

Microsoft Operating system Windows 7. He also presented about the latest 

gadgets and cool websites.  It was a delight to have him back as our speaker. 


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Fall 2009 Professional Development Seminar

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thom Trumble and Gus Shamir of Street Toyota discussed the advantages and complexities

of hybrid cars and displayed a new Prius. 

Arthur (Art) Schwartz, NSPE Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel gave an interactive

presentation on ethics. The process used example cases together with audience participation.

Lewis Britt of Representative Mac Thornberry's office gave an overview of the legislative

process and some insights on the present situations the Country is facing.

Dale Buckner and Matt Medeiros led a session on finding

"Financial Stability in an Unstable World".

Ray Wilson of Cat-Man-Du led the group in an exploration and critique

 of the most popular social networking sites.

See Pictures of Seminar Activities in our Section Photo Album


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Spring 2009 Professional Development Seminar

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jeff Biggers of Blackrock Investments presented "Plan Your Finances and Finance Your Plan".

Mr. Charlie Pennington, PE of the Texas Board of Professional Engineers delivered a

presentation on Situational Ethics.

Mr. Brent Guinn, the Director of Distance Learning for the Texas Tech School of Engineering spoke on

this area's distance learning opportunities available through TTU.

Mr. Ken Starcher, Director of the Alternative Energy Institute at WTAMU, gave a presentation on

several aspects of the present state of  solar and wind energy in the overall makeup of energy sources today.

Eric Spellman of Spellman and Associates gave a wide-ranging session about

the software in use today, online software, cloud computing, and several free programs

that can be used as alternatives to the mainstream commercial offerings.


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Fall 2008 Professional Development Seminar

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Randy Anderson, President of e3 Professional Trainers presented a session on avoiding procrastination.

Sandi Bryant, MCSE discussed and demonstrated features and "fixes" for the Vista operating system.

Dr. Pilaka Murty provided insightful examples and case studies in the field of Ethics.


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Spring 2008 Professional Development Seminar

Mr. Jack Stanley of Amarillo College presented "Warning, Will Robinson", a program on Robotics and the Amarillo College Robotics program and related developments in Robotics in industry.

Ms. Karen Taylor, PMP presented "Whose Project Is This, Anyway?", "You Want Me To DO What?", and "Whose Project Is This, Anyway, Part II". Each segment emphasized different aspects of the overall tools and methods used in Project Management.

Mr. Marty Jones spoke on "Situational Ethics", explaining the nature of the subject of Ethics and the problems and pitfalls to be avoided if we wish to work in an ethical manner.

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Fall 2007 Professional Development Seminar

12 noon to 6:30pm, Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Mr. Randy Anderson presented "Life Balance and Margin"; Carving Your Footprints"; "Maximum Productivity"; and "11 Rules of Personal Excellence" 

Mr. Andy Roller presented a 2-hour ethics program - "Responsibility: The Nature of True Freedom"

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Spring 2007 Professional Development Seminar

12 noon to 6:30pm, Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mr. Richard Epstein of Los Alamos Laboratories presented "Chilling Out With Lasers" about optical refrigeration

Dr. Jimmy Smith and Patti Harper, both of the National Institute for Engineering Ethics

 (at Texas Tech University) presented "Incident at Morales", a two-hour ethics session

Jackie Davis presented "Advanced Tips For Excel and Word"

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Fall 2006 Professional Development Seminar

12 noon to 6:30pm, Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Mr. Steve Oswalt of Texas Tech University presented "Powered by Biodiesel"

Mr. Dale Buckner and Mr. Oliver Streu presented "Financial Planning 101"

Dr. Sam Norman presented Dealing with Change and Stress Effectively 

Jon Oden, Attorney at Law presented "Estate Planning 101"


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Spring 2006 Professional Development Seminar

12 noon to 6:30pm, Thursday, April 13, 2006

Gay Mills presented "Working With Difficult People"

Jim Watson on "Ethics in Action"

Eric Spellman : "Digital Music Formats" and "Computer Security"

Jim Watson "Winning in Negotiations"

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Fall 2005 Professional Development Seminar

12 noon to 6:30pm, Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Get Connected with Bluetooth by Mr. Jeff Hunt with Cingular Wireless 

Overview of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People presented by Cora LaGrone, Certified Trainer 

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Send comments to: Roland Azcarraga
Last Updated on
September 11, 2013