Last updated: 18 April 2010
IEEE Albuquerque Women in Engineering
Affinity Group
Established in Fall 2009, IEEE Albuquerque Women in Engineering is the local affinity group of the IEEE Women in Engineering Committee (WIEC) which is appointed by, and reports directly to, the IEEE Board of Directors.
IEEE WIE is the largest international professional organization dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists. Its mission is to inspire, engage, encourage, and empower IEEE women worldwide; IEEE WIE envisions a vibrant community of IEEE women and men innovating the world of tomorrow.
On a local scale, the general scope of interest for Albuquerque WIE includes:
- Enable mentoring, education, and outreach programs for women in engineering and science.
- Gather and disseminate information regarding the status of and initiatives for women in engineering and science.
- Increase the participation of women in IEEE on both a local and national level.
- Address ways to improve the climate for women in IEEE and the local workplace.
- Recognize women's achievements in IEEE-related engineering fields.
Albuquerque WIE Chair: Jamesina Simpson, Assitant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of New Mexico
Email: simpson at ece dot unm dot edu
Phone: 505-277-1904
Listserv Information:
To subscribe to the Albuquerque WIE listserv, send the command "subscribe abqwie" to ""
Upcoming Events:
The first ABQ WIE event will be held on Sept. 30th, 2010 at 3:00 pm in the Centennial Engineering Center Auditorium, Room 1041 on the UNM Main Campus. Jill S. Tietjen, P.E. will be visiting from Colorado to present "Discovering Scientific, Technical and Engineering Women" followed by an audience-focused workshop: "Writing Yourself Into History." Please see the announcement in PDF format for more information.
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