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WMED-2010 Management Committee



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Management Committee

·         General Chair – Bill Kueber (208.368.3008) billrk

·         Technical Program Chair – Vishwanath Bhat (208.363.2492) vkbhat

·         Publications Chair – Prashant Raghu (208.368.2901) praghu

·         Program/Arrangements Chair – Tim Hollis (208.363.3944) thollis

·         Finance Chair – Huy Le (208.363.1568) huyle

·         Publicity Chair – Kyle Campbell (208.368.1425) kylecampbell

·         High School Program Chair – Mark Eyolfson (208.368.5360) meyolfson

·         Registration Chair – David Wells (208.368.5563)dhwells

·         Information systems – Sachin Joshi (208.368.1431)sjoshi


WMED Advisors

·         Shyam Surthi (208.368.1773)shyam_surthi

·         Steve Groothuis (208.440.8986) skgroothuis

·         Fernando Gonzalez (208.368.3784)fgonzalez


WMED University Advisory Board

·         Dr. Jim Browning, Boise State University

·         Dr. George LaRue, Washington State University

·         Dr. Herb Hess, University of Idaho



Workshop Sponsors


Boise Section


Boise Chapter






This workshop is receiving technical co-sponsorship support from the IEEE Electron Devices Society.

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