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 Technical Program Information

2010 IEEE Workshop on Microelectronics and Electron Devices

Friday, April 16, 2010, 8:00am – 6:30pm

8:30AM Opening Remarks


8:45AM Invited Speaker: Peter Hartwell, HP Labs - "CeNSE: The Central Nervous System for the Earth":

9:45AM Invited Speaker: Tahir Ghani, Intel Corp - "Challenges and Innovations in Nano-CMOS Transistor Scaling"


10:45AM Break


11:00AM Invited Speaker: James Lu, RPI - "Challeges and Opportunities Moving from 2D Chips to 3D Chips"


12:00AM Lunch (Provided by WMED)


1:00PM Invited Speaker: C.R. Wronski, Penn St. - "Hydrogenated Silicon (Si:H) Thin Film Solar Cells"


2:00PM Choice of Tutorials

Todd Marquart, Micron - "Practical Semiconductor Reliability Engineering"

Kaustav Banerjee, UC Santa Barbra: "Carbon based Nanomaterials as interconnects and Passives for Next Generation VLSI and 3D ICs"


4:00PM Break


4:15PM Paper Sessions (2 parallel sessions)


Device & Process Session

4:15p Jasper Gibbons, Micron Technology "Discrete Test Structure Device Degradation Analysis and Correlation to NAND Flash Circuit Operation"

4:30p Shu Qin, Micron Technology "Study of Carrier Mobility of Low-Energy, High-Dose Ion Implantations using Continuous Anodic Oxidation Technique/Differential Hall Effect (CAOT/DHE) Measurements"

4:45p Jennifer Liu, Micron Technology "Modified Floating Gate and IPD Profile for Better Cell Performance of Sub-50 nm NAND Flash Memory"

5:00p Guohua Wei A, Micron Techology "Comprehensive Study on Nanomechanical Properties of Various SiO2-based Dielectric Films"

5:15p Michael Smith, Micron Technology "A Novel Depletion Mode High Voltage Isolation Device Micron Devices"

5:30p Abhijeet Paul, Purdue "Atomistic Study of Ultra-scaled Electron and Hole SiGe Nanowire FETs"

Circuits Session

4:15p Suat Ay, Univ of Idaho, "Continuous-Time/Discrete-Time (CT/DT) Cascaded Sigma-Delta Modulator for High Resolution and Wideband Applications"

4:30p Seong-hoon Lee, Micron Technology "All Digital Multiplying DLL Using Precision Digital Delay Line as DCO"

4:45p Qawi Harvard, Boise State University, "Main Memory with Proximity Communication BSU"

5:00p Suat Ay, Univ of Idaho "Integration of a New Column-Parallel ADC Technology on CMOS Image Sensor"

5:15p George La Rue, Washington State Univ "A Low Noise Low Power DC Cuopled Sensor Amplifier with Offset Cancellation"

5:30p Kuangming Yap, Boise State University "Gain Error Correction for CMOS Image Sensor using Delta-Sigma Modulation"

5:45PM Poster Session and Reception

Important Workshop Dates


January 25, 2010

February 22, 2010

March 25, 2010

Manuscript Submission Deadline

Final Manuscript Submission

Advance Registration Deadline



Workshop Sponsors


Boise Section


Boise Chapter






This workshop is receiving technical co-sponsorship support from the IEEE Electron Devices Society.

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