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IEEE Workshop on Microelectronics and Electron Devices (WMED)







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2010 IEEE Workshop on Microelectronics and Electron Devices


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Friday, April 16, 2010

Boise State University, Student Union Building

Jordan Ballroom, 8 AM – 6 PM

Boise, ID


Welcome to WMED-2010!  The Eighth Annual Workshop on Microelectronics and Electron Devices, WMED-2010, will provide a forum for reviewing and discussing all aspects of microelectronics including processing, electrical characterization, design, and new device technologies.  This workshop will consist of invited talks, contributed papers, tutorials, as well as a poster session throughout the afternoon.  Faculty, students, and researchers in industry are encouraged to contribute presentations on either completed research or “work-in-progress” research.


WMED offers a unique opportunity in the Treasure Valley for developing a wide range of professional relationships. The keynote talk, expert invited lectures and tutorials, exhibits, and social events provide an opportunity to interact with the leaders and innovators in your field of interest.


Confirmed Invited Speakers

·         Tahir Ghani, Intel Fellow, IEEE Fellow, IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecturer (Homepage)

·         Kaustav Banerjee, IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecturer, UC - Santa Barbara (Homepage)

·         Peter Hartwell, HP Labs (Homepage)

·         Christopher Wronski, Penn State University (Homepage)

·         Todd Marquart, Micron Technology, Inc.

·         James Lu, Renssalear Polytechnic Institute (Homepage)


Important Workshop Dates


January 25, 2010

February 22, 2010

March 25, 2010

Manuscript Submission Deadline

Final Manuscript Submission

Advance Registration Deadline



Workshop Sponsors


Boise Section


Boise Chapter




Workshop Announcements

International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods,

Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design



This workshop is receiving technical co-sponsorship support from the IEEE Electron Devices Society.

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