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IEEE Workshop on Microelectronics and Electron Devices (WMED) |
Invited Tutorial - Nano-Electro-Mechanical Memory Technology for Future Compact and Ultra-Low-Power Integrated Systems Prof. Tsu-Jae King Liu, University of California, Berkeley Abstract: As demand for mobile and compact computing devices increases in the digital information age, the need for low-power, low-cost nonvolatile memory (NVM) increases. To overcome the challenges of high programming voltages and/or currents, slow programming speed, and small sensing margin for conventional NVM technology, a simple electro-mechanical diode cell design recently has been proposed and demonstrated [1]. This presentation will review the cell structure and operation, and discuss the scalability and reliability of this technology. A nanoscale (sub-100nm) electro-mechanical (NEM) NVM technology is projected to offer significant advantages in speed (sub-ns programming time) and power consumption (< 1 fJ program/erase energy) over other established and emerging NVM technologies, and hence shows promise for future ultra-low-power memory applications. Speaker’s biography: Tsu-Jae King Liu is the Conexant Systems Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and Associate Dean for Research in the College of Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley (UC-Berkeley). She received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, and worked at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center before joining the faculty at UC-Berkeley in 1996. Prof. Liu's awards include the DARPA Significant Technical Achievement Award in 2000 for development of the FinFET, the IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award in 2010 for her contributions to nanoscale MOS transistors, memory devices, and MEMs devices, and the ECS Thomas D. Callinan Award in 2011 for excellence in dielectrics and insulation investigations. Her research activities are presently in nanoelectronic and nanomechanical devices for energy-efficient electronics. She has authored, or co-authored, over 400 publications, holds over 80 U.S. patents, and is a Fellow of the IEEE. |
This workshop is receiving technical co-sponsorship support from the IEEE Electron Devices Society. |
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