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IEEE Workshop on Microelectronics and Electron Devices (WMED) |
Keynote - Bioelectronics Prof. Rahul Sarpeshkar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Abstract: Nature is a great analog and digital circuit designer. She has innovated circuits in the biochemical, biomechanical, and bioelectronic domains that operate very robustly with highly imprecise parts, and with incredibly low levels of power. This talk will discuss how analog, RF, and bio-inspired circuits and architectures have led to, and are leading to, novel systems for ultra-low-power biomedical applications. Examples from systems for cochlear-implants for the deaf, brain–machine interfaces for the blind and paralyzed, and in bio-molecular circuits for systems biology and synthetic biology will be presented. Speaker’s biography: Rahul Sarpeshkar obtained Bachelor’s degrees in Electrical Engineering and Physics at MIT. After completing his Ph.D. at CalTech, he joined Bell Labs as a member of the technical staff. He is currently on the faculty of MIT's Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, where he heads a research group on Analog Circuits and Biological Systems. |
This workshop is receiving technical co-sponsorship support from the IEEE Electron Devices Society. |
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