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IEEE Workshop on Microelectronics and Electron Devices (WMED) |
WMED 2013 Call For Papers The WMED is now accepting paper submissions for the 2013 Technical Program, and authors are encouraged to submit work related to any of the following areas:
Submission Instructions: Please submit your manuscript by January 11th, 2013 to Suraj Mathew, WMED 2013 Publications Chair, Email , phone: +1-208-363-1633 Manuscripts should be limited to four pages and should follow the IEEE Electron Device Letters publication format, which will be met through using the appropriate IEEE manuscript template. Authors may select from either the Microsoft Word “US Letter” template or from either the Unix or Windows LaTeX templates.
Following the peer review process, all accepted manuscripts will be eligible for indexing in the IEEE Xplore database. However, authors will have the option to present their work without the IEEE formal publication, thus preserving the right to publish at a later date. While those papers slated for full IEEE publication will be printed in the Workshop proceedings, those papers which opt out of formal publication will still be made available electronically to registered Workshop attendees. Authors may also submit their work directly to the Technical Poster Session by submitting a one-page extended abstract, using one of the acceptable IEEE templates discussed above. Technical Poster Session abstracts will be printed in the Workshop proceedings. The WMED organizing committee reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g. remove it from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference. This will be decided on a case by case basis where in if the committee feels that a good faith effort was not made on the part of the author to present the research at the workshop, that paper may be excluded from distribution after the workshop. Questions concerning the paper content or submission process can be directed to: Jaydeb Goswami, Technical Chair, WMED 2013, Email, phone: +1-208-368-4989 Special Note for International Authors If you require a US VISA and letter of acknowledgment from WMED in order to attend the workshop and present your paper, we strongly urge that you submit your manuscript early (recommended manuscript submission by 12/31/2012) and request "expedited review“. |
This workshop is receiving technical co-sponsorship support from the IEEE Electron Devices Society. |
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