7:30 AM
Check In and Door Registration
With Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM
Welcome to WMED 2014
Room: Simplot Ballroom
8:15 AM
Keynote Address:
"Bionanoscience for Innovative Global
Healthcare Research & Technology (BIGHEART)" Prof. Luke P.Lee, UC Berkeley Room: Simplot Ballroom
9:15 AM
Plenary Talk:
"Ubiquitous Mobile Computing - Growth
Driver for the Semiconductor Industry: Technology Trends, Challenges and Opportunities" Geoffrey Yeap, Qualcomm Room: Simplot Ballroom
10:15 AM
10:30 AM
Invited Tutorials (Parallel sessions)
Tutorial 1: �The Classical/Emerging Reliability
Considerations of Semiconductor Devices� Prof. Muhammad A. Alam, Purdue University Room: Simplot Ballroom
Tutorial 2: �Noise Effects in Amplifiers, Mixers and Oscillators� Prof. Tom Lee, Stanford University Room: Jordan AB
12:00 PM
Buffet Luncheon Provided by WMED Room: Jordan D
1:00 PM
Invited Talks (Parallel sessions)
Session 1: �CMOS Devices Scaling - Past
Present and Future� Prof. Yuan Taur, UC San Diego Room: Simplot Ballroom
Session 2: �The Perfect Memory Storm� Brent Keeth, Micron Room: Jordan AB
2:00 PM
Session 1: �3D Chip Stacking� Mukta Farooq, IBM
Room: Simplot Ballroom
Session 2: �Automata Processor and its Applications in Bioinformatics� Prof. Srinivas Alluru, Georgia Tech Room: Jordan AB
3:00 PM
3:15 PM
Contributed Papers (Parallel Sessions)
Session 1 Process and Devices Room: Simplot Ballroom
Session 2 Solid State Circuits Room: Jordan AB
5:00 PM
Poster Session and Refreshments
Room: Jordan D