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IEEE Workshop on Microelectronics and Electron Devices (WMED)

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2016 IEEE Workshop on Microelectronics and Electron Devices

WMED 2016

Friday, April 15th, 2016
Jordan and Simplot Ballrooms
Student Union Building
Boise State University
1910 University Drive
Boise, Idaho 83725

Welcome to the Fourteenth Annual IEEE Workshop on Microelectronics and Electron Devices (WMED 2016). WMED 2016 will provide a forum for reviewing and discussing all aspects of micro- and nano-electronics including processing, electrical characterization, design, and new device technologies. This workshop will consist of invited talks, contributed papers, and a poster session throughout the day. Faculty, students, and researchers in industry are encouraged to contribute presentations on either completed research or work-in-progress.

Please click here for the updated information of the conference.

2016 IEEE WMED App is available, click App for details.

WMED offers a unique opportunity in the Treasure Valley for developing a wide range of professional relationships. The keynote talk, invited lectures, and social events provide an opportunity to interact with the leaders and innovators in your field of interest. Topics in the following areas will form the contributing sessions and poster session in the workshop:

Microelectronic Device Processing and Process Integration

Trends in Submicron CMOS technology, Product development (DRAM, SRAM, Flash, CMOS Imagers), new device technologies (Phase Change Memory, Resistive Memory, Ferroelectric Memory), Novel transistors

Nanoelectronic Devices and MEMS

Novel processes, materials and device characterization on nanotubes, nanowires, quantum dots, molecular devices, MEMS research

Microelectronic Device Electrical and Reliability Testing

Dielectric reliability, Device reliability, Novel memory technology testing schemes

Semiconductor Packaging and Reliability

Semiconductor package reliability, Design for Manufacturability, Stacked die packaging and Novel assembly processes

Microelectronic Circuit Design

New product design, high-speed and/or low-power design techniques and architectures and memory sensing schemes

Important Dates:

  • Contributed Paper Submission Deadline: January 25th, 2016
  • Early Registration Deadline: March 06, 2016

University Travel Award

Attendees and Participants are eligible for a Travel Subsidy (up to $500.00)

Contact WMED Publications Chair, Shu Qian (, +1 208-368-2144) for details.

International Authors:

If you require a US VISA and letter of acknowledgment from WMED in order to attend the workshop and present your paper, we strongly urge that you submit your manuscript early (Recommended manuscript submission by 12/30/2015) and request "expedited review".

2015 WMED Highlights:

  • Two parallel tutorials: Process & Circuit
  • Best paper and best poster awards
  • Student travel awards
  • 400+ Attendees
  • Parallel High School Engineering Program
  • Invited Speakers:
  • Chenming Hu,UC Berkeley
  • Chris Mack, The Litho Guru
  • Rahul Sarpeshkar, MIT
  • Lakshman Krishnamurthy, Intel
  • Bradley Howard, Applied Materials





This workshop is receiving technical co-sponsorship support from the IEEE Electron Devices Society.

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