Wednesday April 16, 2014
The Englander Pub
101 Parrott St
San Leandro, CA

Hydrogen Fueling Stations for Fuel Cell Vehicles
Status of Recent California and International Efforts

Presented by
Dr. Timothy Lipman
Co-Director, University of California, Berkeley, Transportation Sustainability Research Center

6:00 PM Doors Open
6:30 PM Buffet Dinner
7:00 PM Speaker



This presentation will describe the current status and planning for additional hydrogen fueling infrastructure in California to support the commercial introduction of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) by major automakers. Several automakers are expected to have FCVs ready to market from 2014-2018, but the infrastructure needed to support these vehicles is very limited at present.

The presentation will cover:

  • brief overview of automaker plans to release FCVs
  • the impending “hydrogen fuel supply gap” and what is being done to address it internationally
  • U.S. efforts through the new “H2USA” consortium and California efforts through the CaFCP and legislature
  • hydrogen station types and designs and hydrogen production/delivery options
  • lessons learned from operating the UC Berkeley Richmond Field Station hydrogen station (700 bar) for the past 3 years
The presentation will conclude with a summary of key points and discussion/Q&A with the audience to follow.


Timothy Lipman, PhD, is an energy and environmental technology, economics, and policy researcher with the University of California, Berkeley. He is serving as Co-Director for the campus’ Transportation Sustainability Research Center (TSRC), based at the Institute of Transportation Studies and also is a Lecturer in the UC Berkeley Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Dr. Lipman’s research focuses on electric vehicles, fuel cell technology, combined heat and power systems, renewable energy, and electricity and hydrogen infrastructure. He completed a Ph.D. degree in Environmental Policy Analysis with the Graduate Group in Ecology at UC Davis (1999) and also holds an MS degree from UC Davis in Transportation Technology and Policy (1998) and a BA degree from Stanford University (1990). He is the incoming Chair of the Alternative Transportation Fuels and Technologies Committee of the National Academy of Science Transportation Research Board, a member of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technical Advisory Committee for the U.S. Department of Energy, and on the editorial board of the International Journal of Sustainable Engineering.

Presentation: Click here for a copy of the presentation.

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