Wednesday , May 13, 2015
The Englander Sports Pub & Restaurant
101 Parrott St
San Leandro, CA

Plans for the Future of the Group

Meeting Facilitator
Dr. Les Besser
Founder, Besser Associates, Retired

11:30 AM Doors open
12:00 Noon Lunch
12:30 PM Meeting Begins



The meeting will start with a review of the activities of the Oakland/East Bay Life Members Affinity Group since its inception five years ago. The Group has focused on Issues in Education, Energy, and Environment (IEEE). Talks on some of the issues have been considered controversial by some of the Group's members. These topics included climate change in the area of Environment and nuclear power in the area of Energy. Most members of the Group have supported the inclusion of talks on these topics.

After the review, the meeting facilitator will lead a discussion to determine what course the Group wants to take over the next several years. For example, does the group want more meetings just for social purposes? Do they want talks on recent technical achievement? How many meetings per year do they want? When is the best time to hold meetings? The facilitator will be looking for active input from the attendees.


A native of Hungary, Les Besser began his engineering career in 1966 in Hewlett Packard's Microwave Division, developing broadband microwave components. Later, he joined Fairchild and then Farinon Electric Company where he authored COMPACT, the first commercially successful microwave circuit optimization routine, soon to become the industry standard. He then founded Compact Software, a pioneer CAD software company (now part of Ansoft). In 1980, his company merged with Communication Satellite Corporation (COMSAT). In 1985, he formed Besser Associates, an organization dedicated to continuing education. He retired and sold Besser Associates in 2004.

Dr. Besser has published over 70 technical articles, and contributed to and co-authored several textbooks. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE.

Presentation by Charles Herget.
Presentation by Les Besser.

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