Wednesday, November 18, 2015
11:30 AM to 1:30 PM

Stock Market Trading Strategies

Peter Paradis

4301 1st Street

About the Talk

You do not have to give your money to the "big guys" to make money in the stock market. Pete will explain how he makes money using swing trading techniques that hold a stock for a few days to a few weeks. Also covered is a technique for the longer term investor. Peter will go over several momentum trading strategies that he has used over the years. Where do good ideas come from and how do you know if it is a good idea? A healthy amount of skepticism is a good thing when evaluating the next bright idea in investing. We will explore one of the latest bright ideas that has surfaced in our inboxes and see if it really works and how actually to implement it.

Of key importance that every investor seems to have trouble with is when to sell. We all know that "previous results do not guarantee future performance" but sometimes it does. Peter is a mechanical engineer and a computer scientist, and as engineers, we all know the importance of testing. All of the algorithms and ideas presented are based on back testing to arrive at their performance.

Pete currently works at an innovative fintech company that is employing big data analysis, behavior compatibility and financial analytics to disrupt the long standing old boy networks of high net worth investing.

About the Speaker

Peter Paradis went to Northeastern University in Boston for a BSME and then to graduate school at the University of Maryland in Computer Science. Pete has worked in computer science in civil service, aerospace, military systems and health care. He started his own health care company which has been sold. He is now working in his fourth startup company blending the Silicon Valley entrepreneurial mentality to the financial industry hoping to disrupt the "old boys" way of doing business.

Presentation: Click here for a copy of the presentation.

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