
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Luncheon and Speaker

Integrated Management of Solar Photovoltaic Generation

Dr. Tanguy Hubert
Senior Engineer
Renewables Integration Group
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Palo Alto, CA

Location: Beeb’s Sports Bar & Grill
915 Clubhouse Drive


Time: 11:00 AM Doors Open
11:30 AM Buffet Luncheon
12:15 PM Presentation
1:30 PM Adjourn


Technology advancements and declining costs of solar PV have accelerated the deployment of PV systems by utilities, consumers, and third parties. When connected to the grid in large scale or volume, PV systems can be disruptive if not designed, integrated, and managed properly. In particular, the variability and uncertainty of the solar resource poses challenges for reliably integrating PV with electric power systems, both at the distribution and bulk system levels.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has established the Sustainable and Holistic Integration of Energy Storage and Solar PV (SHINES) program to help address these challenges. Projects funded under this initiative aim to develop and demonstrate integrated solutions combining PV with energy storage, dynamic load management, advanced forecasting techniques, utility communication and control systems, and smart buildings and smart appliances.

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is leading one of the research projects funded under the SHINES initiative. This 3-year project (2016-2019) aims to design, develop and demonstrate a multi-level control architecture and control algorithms for the end-to-end grid integration of distributed energy resources (DER). This talk will provide an overview of the project goals, initial learnings, and ongoing efforts.


Dr. Tanguy Hubert is a Senior Engineer at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). He joined EPRI’s Renewables Integration group in 2015, bringing expertise in quantitative modeling, optimization, and techno-economic analysis for power systems.

Prior to joining EPRI, Dr. Hubert was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Operations Research at the Georgia Institute of Technology where he worked on inverse optimization for grid management. During his studies, he also spent time at both the French Department of Energy and the RAND Corporation.

Dr. Hubert completed the diplome d’ingenieur from Supelec, France, and received the MS and PhD in electrical and computer engineering from Georgia Tech. As part of his doctoral research, he developed optimization models for residential energy management and electricity pricing design. He also received the MS in public policy from Georgia Tech with a focus on energy and environmental policy.

For a copy of the presentation click on Presentation

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