Dr. Ali Kujoory is a consultant and an Adjunct Professor at the Dept. of Computer Engineering
Sciences, Sonoma State University (SSU). Prior to joining SSU, he was a Lead Systems Architect
at Alcatel, doing forward–looking work on Voice over Packet, Passive Optical Network, Next Generation
SONET, and reliability. Before Alcatel, he was a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at AT&T Bell
Laboratories for 16 years, doing research on real–time applications over the Internet. While at AT&T, he
was also an Adjunct Professor of EE and CS programs at the Stevens Institute of Technology in
Hoboken, NJ. Dr. Kujoory, a Senior Member of the IEEE, received the Millennium Award in 2000 and
IEEE Section awards for contributions to the IEEE New Jersey Coast Section from 1996–2000. He
received the AT&T Standards Recognition Award in 1997. He has published and presented numerous
papers in the technical journals and conferences and holds a number of patents in the areas
of IP applications, QoS and broadband technologies. He has M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in EE from the
University of Pennsylvania.
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