The SF PEN Mark
It is the first of the year and I am just returning from
the Technical Committee meeting in San Diego. It was a great meeting for the Engineering in the Safety,
Maintenance and Operations of Lines (ESMOL) Subcommittee and
Towers, Poles & Conductors (TP&C) Subcommittee,
but unfortunately it was lightly attended by the other subcommittees due to a scheduling conflict with DistribuTECH.
IEEE PES assisted with the organizing of this meeting so T&D Committee and
Substation Committee could continue
with their standards work since the IEEE Winter Power Meeting does not exist anymore. Last year we met in
Las Vegas with a very successful meeting, but the future is not certain due to the light attendance this year.
We are working with
IEEE PES to see if there will be a meeting for the committee next year. The IEEE
2004 PES General Meeting will be held
in Denver, CO, June 6-10, 2004. It appears that this will be well attended by most of the
Technical Committees.
This issue is the second electronic version of The SF PEN.
Please e-mail me back at the link on my name above and let me know what you like and what can be improved. We are
mailing hard copies to those who have put themselves on our mailing list. You can also call me if you would like to
add your name to the list. I will need your full mailing address including zip code. Please forward the electronic
link to other co-workers and friends so they can now read our newsletter. If you think they would like a hard copy,
even for one time, just let me know.
Since we are not limited in
space with our electronic version, our articles are providing more details regarding our
meetings and society events. Also, if you have a specific subject you would like to write about or you
would like to hear about, we have more opportunities now. Please e-mail all articles and ideas to me.
Finally, a huge thanks to Dan Sparks
who is now formatting our newsletter on the webpage!