EMC '98 Registration Form
(Please Print)
Name: _______________________________  Title: ______________________

Organization: ______________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________


Daytime Phone: ________________  e-mail: ___________________________

IEEE Member: ___ Yes ___ No  IEEE Member Number: ___________________

Full-time Student: ___ Yes ___ No   School: ________________________
(To obtain student rate, attach copy of student I.D.)

Areas of Interest (Check all that apply)
___ Elements of EMC      ___ EMC Standards
___ PCB Design           ___ Troubleshooting Techniques
___ Clock Design         ___ Measurement Uncertainty
___ Power Supply Design  ___ Pre-compliance Testing
___ Shielding/Filtering  ___ Telecom
___ Design for Immunity  ___ Product Safety

IEEE Members, by April 15             ($125) $______
IEEE Members, April 15 - May 15       ($150) $______
IEEE Members, after May 15            ($175) $______
Non-IEEE Member Charge                 ($25) $______
Full Time Students                     ($50) $______
Vendor Exhibits and Reception Only     ($50) $______
Colloquium Record, additional copies*  ($35) $______

                      Total Amount Enclosed: $______ 

*Available at the Colloquium only.

Please make checks payable to: IEEE SCV EMC

Mail to: EMC '98
         c/o Jennifer Fisher
         Test Equipment Corporation
         P.O. Box 391717 Mountain View, CA 94039

         (Please do not mail after May 15) 

Advance registrants receive one free copy at the Colloquium.
The registration fee includes one copy of the colloquium
record, continental breakfast, lunch, and reception. The
organizing committee reserves the right to substitute speakers,
restrict size, or cancel the Colloquium. In the event EMC '98
is cancelled, registration fees will be fully refunded.
Individuals canceling their registration prior to May 1 will
receive a full refund. No refunds will be given to registrants
who cancel their registration after May 1. Attendance is
limited. Registration will be confirmed on a first come, first
served basis.

            The IEEE is a Non-Profit Organization
                  Tax Ident No. 133181716