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Frequently Asked Questions


IEEE Santa Clara Valley K-12 Education 

Frequently Asked Questions 

February 14,2005

What is the purpose of IEEE Santa Clara Valley K-12 Education website?

This website is used to promote engineers and specifically IEEE engineers to volunteer and participate in making our community better educated in the ways of engineering and encourage them to make engineering as a future career.

How can I help?

There are many ways to volunteer.  See K-12 Volunteer Opportunities.

How much time is required?

Generally the time will vary depending upon each program.  For example, the National Engineers Week is one week long, but the volunteer can commit to making a 1 hr demonstration at a local school.   Or it may a 6 week long affair requiring 2-4 hrs/week to support Lego Robotics.

What skills are needed?

Generally, a minimal set of engineering skills are required.  Usually common sense and application of fundamental engineering principles are required.  And of course, the kids like to be entertained, so if you have a magic trick or a special story to tell within 2 minutes they'll love you.

Is it fun?

It's an enjoyment seeing the children excited about your visit and your insights.  They are always sooo curious.

What if I have some ideas but don't know what to do?

Please send email to daffy@ieee.org and he will reply back to you.

What if I don't have the time but I would like to donate some cash or pre-IPO/post-IPO stock?

IEEE Foundation, Incorporated
IEEE Development Office
c/o Santa Clara Valley K-12 Education Fund
445 Hoes Lane
PO Box 1331
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 

We recommend that contact the IEEE Foundation which coordinates donation of stock and can answer some questions.  See also FUNDING.

What if I donate items such as computer equipment or software?

IEEE Foundation can issue a gift-in-kind letter to note the quantity and type of gift.

Any other questions?

Send email to dfong@ieee.org.


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URL: https://www.ewh.ieee.org/r6/scv/k-12