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IEEE Robotics & Automation Society

IEEE Santa Clara Valley
Robotics & Automation Society (SCV/OEB/SF)

Meeting Archives

January'09 Meeting:  Wednesday, January 14, 2008

Date and Time

Wednesday January 14, 2009, 7:00PM Pacific
at 7:00, 5-minute business meeting
at 7:05, speaker presentation


Carnegie Mellon University, Silicon Valley (directions:


OpenCV, Open Source Computer Vision and Open Robotics at Willow Garage


Dr. Gary Bradski, Willow Garage   


OpenCV is an open and free computer vision library available on sourceforge (see wiki for details ) that Dr. Bradski started at Intel Research and is now supported by a large community with financial support from Willow Garage, a robotics research institute/incubator located near Stanford. Dr. Bradski will overview some computer vision basics, then walk through OpenCV which is described in detail in the new O'Reilly book: "Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library". Dr. Bradski will discuss current vision research at Willow Garage, showing videos and probably a demo or two along the way.

Dr. Bradski will also discuss ROS, the open source Robot Operating System, still in alpha developement, which is a fully distributed OS for robotics that comes with many applications in control, navigationn, planning, manipulation, machine learning and perception.

Web site: Dr. Gary Bradski at Willow Garage


Dr. Gary Rost Bradski:

Dr. Gary Rost Bradski is a consulting professor in the CS department at Stanford University AI Lab where he mentors robotics, machine learning and computer vision research. He is also Senior Scientist at Willow Garage, a recently founded robotics research institute/incubator. He has a BS degree in EECS from U.C. Berkeley and a PhD from Boston University. He has 20 years of industrial experience applying machine learning and computer vision spanning option trading operations at First Union National Bank, to computer vision at Intel Research to machine learning in Intel Manufacturing and several startup companies in between. Gary started the Open Source Computer Vision Library, the statistical Machine Learning Library (MLL comes with OpenCV), and the Probabilistic Network Library (PNL). OpenCV is used around the world in research, government and commercially. The vision libraries helped develop a notable part of the commercial Intel performance primitives library (IPP). Gary also organized the vision team for Stanley, the Stanford robot that won the DARPA Grand Challenge autonomous race across the desert for a $2M team prize and helped found the Stanford AI Robotics project at Stanford working with Professor Andrew Ng. Gary has over 50 publications and 13 issued patents with 18 pending. He lives in Palo Alto with his wife and 3 daughters and bikes road or mountains as much as he can.   


Link to Slides.

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