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IEEE Robotics & Automation Society

IEEE Santa Clara Valley
Robotics & Automation Society (SCV/OEB/SF)

Meeting Archives


November 2012:

Thursday November 8th, 2012

Date and Time

Thursday, November 8th
7:00pm: Presentation
8:00pm: Adjourn




Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM): Problem, Basic Implementation, Traps, and Tricks


Mark Woodward


We all have grand visions for our robots, be it straightening our home, taking out the trash, or even delivering an ice cold beverage. One challenging prerequisite to these tasks is determining where the robot is in its environment. If the environment is known then this problem is called localization. If the environment is unknown then this problem is called simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). In this talk I will describe the full SLAM problem, I will present an easy to implement SLAM algorithm, and I will cover some traps and tricks from my experience implementing SLAM algorithms. I will also make a brief argument for probabilistically sound implementations. In the remaining time, and as long as you want to stick around, I will answer any questions you may have about SLAM in general or about your own specific implementations.


Mark Woodward is a robotics consultant, specializing in inference and planning under uncertainty. Currently he is consulting for Neato Robotics, located in Newark, CA. Mark holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Harvard University (2012), and a Masters and Bachelors degree in Computer Science from Stanford University. He has worked on perception and control of autonomous helicopters and cars, and inference of human goals for service robots. For more details on Mark's research and projects see his website.

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