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IEEE Robotics & Automation Society

IEEE Santa Clara Valley
Robotics & Automation Society (SCV RAS)

Meeting Archives

Next Meeting:  June 4, 2008

Date and Time

Wednesday, June 4, 7:00PM Pacific
at 7:00, 5-minute business meeting
at 7:05, speaker presentation


Carnegie Mellon University West Coast (directions


Adaptive Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles


Conor McGann,  Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) / Willow Garage 


This talk describes the application of AI planning to adaptively control an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in pursuit of greater understanding of dynamic ocean processes
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) are mobile robotic platforms used 
by the oceanographic community for exploration in diverse environments 
from the seafloor to the ocean surface. The extensive payload capacity 
and operational versatility of AUV's offer a cost-effective alternative 
to traditional ship-based oceanographic measurements for advancing ocean 
research. Existing mission control practices rely on manually scripted 
plans produced prior to mission execution. Mission scripts are prone to 
error and do not afford adaptability of the vehicle to unanticipated 
events. Such adaptability is critical to maximize science utility from 
the limited time, energy and sampling opportunities available for a 
mission. To address these issues, we have developed and deployed an 
Adaptive Control System that integrates Planning and Probabilistic State 
Estimation in a goal-directed hybrid executive, enabling scientists to 
detect, survey and sample events of an unpredictable nature. The system 
developed for ocean science is general purpose and adaptable to other 
ocean going and terrestrial platforms.


Conor McGann:

Conor McGann hails from Dublin, Ireland. He received his Bachelors in Computer Engineering from Trinity College, Dublin in 1990 and his Phd in Computer Science from that same institution in 1995. Subsequently, he co-founded Cunav Technologies, a Dublin based software company which he lead as CEO for 3 years. In 1998 Conor married a Texan and emigrated to the US where  he joined the supply-chain company, i2 Technologies, and became the Chief Architect for their Customer Management Product Group. 

In 2002 Conor joined the  Planning and Scheduling Group at the NASA Ames Research Center where he lead the development of the EUROPA-2 constraint-based temporal planning library which has been used for ground based and onboard planning in a wide range of applications. In November 2006 Conor turned to inner space when he joined the embryonic Autonomous Systems Group of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute.

In May, 2008, Conor returned to the Bay Area to join Willow Garage, a robotics company located in Menlo Park. He continues to collaborate with NASA and MBARI and pursue his interests in autonomous systems.




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