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Upcoming Event: Wednesday, Apr 11, 2018

Computer Vision at the Edge and in the Cloud: Architectures, Algorithms, Processors, and Tools


Jeff Bier, Founder, Embedded Vision Alliance and President, BDTI


Presentation Slides (please register and login to access slides): Slides



Computer vision is rapidly becoming ubiquitous. From autonomous robots, vehicles and drones to smart buildings to home assistants that can advise you on your fashion choices, vision is showing up everywhere.

A key architectural choice underlies this ubiquity: should vision processing be done at the edge, in the cloud, or a hybrid combination of the two? Jeff Bier, Founder of the Embedded Vision Alliance, will discuss the benefits and trade-offs of edge, cloud, and hybrid models, and when you should consider each option.

Within this edge-cloud framework, Jeff will also provide an update on important recent developments in the technologies enabling vision, including processors, sensors, algorithms, development tools, services and standards. Jeff will also highlight some of the most interesting and most promising end-products and applications incorporating vision capabilities.


Jeff Bier is the founder of the Embedded Vision Alliance, a partnership of 70+ technology companies that works to enable the widespread use of practical computer vision. He is also the General Chairman of the Embedded Vision Summit (May 21-24, 2018 in Santa Clara, California) — the only conference devoted to enabling product creators to build better products using computer vision, at the edge and in the cloud.

In addition, Jeff is president of BDTI. For over 25 years, he has led BDTI in helping hundreds of companies choose the right processors and develop optimized software for demanding applications in computer vision, deep learning, audio and video.

Jeff is a frequent keynote and invited speaker at industry conferences, and writes the popular monthly column “Impulse Response”. Jeff earned B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Princeton University and U.C. Berkeley.

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