Dr. Luigi Benedicenti received his Laurea in Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Genoa, Italy. Benedicenti assumed the role of Associate Vice-President (Academic) in 2011. A full professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Benedicenti has served as Associate Dean in charge of Special Projects since 2004. He is a Professional Engineer licensed in Saskatchewan and a licensed Italian Engineer. He assisted in creating the Software Systems Engineering Program at the University of Regina, of which he was the first Program Chair. He helped supervise the accreditation process for the new program and was subsequently entrusted with the supervision of data collection and computation for all Engineering programs. He has developed and supported numerous academic partnerships within the University and with international partners.
Currently Dr. Benedicenti is researching three areas: Software Agents, Software Metrics, and New Media Technology. Research in Software Agents involves the characterization of software agents and the best applications for the agent model. Research in Software Metrics aims at characterizing agile development methods with a corresponding lightweight metrics program. Research in New Media Technology is directed towards harnessing distributed computing and advanced visualization techniques like augmented reality for appropriate creation and delivery of media content.
2011-present Chair of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) Computer Society, South Saskatchewan Section, Canada
2009-present Senior Member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)
2009-2010 South Saskatchewan Section Chair of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers), Canada
2004-2008 Chair of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) Computer Society, South Saskatchewan Section, Canada
2003-2004 South Saskatchewan Section Chair of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers), Canada
2000-2002 Treasurer of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) South Saskatchewan Section, Canada
1999-2003 Chair of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) Computer Society, South Saskatchewan Section, Canada
1999-2009 Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Reviewer for IEEE Computer
Reviewer for IEEE Software
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Reviewer for the IEEE Computer Society International Design Contest
2011-2013 Organizing Committee and Scientific Committee
IEEE 2013 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
Special Session Co-chair for the IEEE Canadian Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE2005)
Member of the program committee for the following conferences:
Extreme Programming, Italy, 2000, 2001, 2002
SCI/ISAS 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
Orlando, FL; International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR2004, 2005)
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering CCECE 2013;
Session Chair for the Invited Sessions in SCI 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
IEEE International Conference on Software Reuse 2004
IEEE ECTI-CON 2005, Open Source Systems Conference 2005
International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS) 2012
Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS) 2012