In accordance with IEEE
Bylaw R-903, the Eastern Canada Council (ECC) is a Council of Eastern Canada
Sections, administered by IEEE CANADA, Region 7. It exists and serves at the pleasure of the Sections it
represents. It is intended to act as a
subordinate committee of the Sections and they have the right to direct its
operation. It is formed by the Sections
to do only those delegated tasks that can be done best together by Sections
rather than singly by each Section. The
ECC is comprised of the following Sections:
Eastern Canada Council shall be responsible for:
Distinguished Lecture
tour arrangements through eastern Canada.
Promoting best
practices to enhance Section operation and growth.
Providing efficient
and timely communication to all Section chairs of information of interest to
Such tasks as will be
determined by the constituent Sections.
The Committee shall consist of the following elected member: (elected by the Sections within the Council)
Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer
Also the following members:
Chair (or representative) of each Section within the Council
Other (non elected) members might include a PDC Chair, GOLD chair, MDC chair, SAC chair.
The Chair shall serve as a voting member of the IEEE Executive Committee.
Voting members of the Committee shall be IEEE members of Member grade or higher, other than the Chair, who must be of Senior Member grade or higher.
The Committee Chair shall be elected by the members of the Sections within the Council and shall serve a two-year term, with reappointment permissible for up to two additional two-year terms.
All other elected committee members serve for a two-year
term, with re-appointment permissible for up to two additional two-year terms.
Recommendations for representatives will be sought from each of the Councils
and others as needed.
Meetings will be scheduled as required. Meetings of the Council
Executive Committee ordinarily will be held at least twice a year and called by
the Council Chair or by a request of at least any two members of the Council
Executive Committee.
Reasonable expenses will be covered for Committee members - as defined in the committee budget. Wherever possible, the business of the committee will be accomplished by electronic mail, phone, or fax.
A quorum shall be a majority of the voting members of ECC. Voting shall be by majority vote with the Chair voting when his or her vote would make a difference in the outcome.
The Chair may create Sub-Committees or Ad Hoc Committees to address specific issues or deal with special situations as deemed appropriate. The Chairs of these Committees must be a member of the ECC and shall be appointed by the Committee Chair.
Funds for the ECC are allocated in the IEEE Canada Budget on an annual basis and in addition may be allocated from ECC Section budgets for additional meetings and or activities of the ECC. The Committee Chair will have responsibility for these funds to ensure reasonable activities of the Committee while maintaining its budget.
The IEEE Canada Administrator will provide administrative support for the Committee.
The minutes of the Committee meetings shall be recorded and circulated among the members. Copies will be distributed to the IEEE Canada President and Region Administrator.
Changes to this Charter must conform to IEEE Canada and IEEE Bylaws and be approved by the IEEE Canada Board of Directors.