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IEEE CIS > Members Activities
Welcome to the Montreal Chapter
of the Computational Intelligence Society
2006-2009 Chapter Executive

From left to right:
Tony Wong, Mohamed Cheriet, Mounir Boukadoum and Christopher Faust
Montreal CIS Executive 2006-2009
Contact Information
Postal address IEEE Montreal CIS chapter
Automated Manufacturing Engineering Department
École de technologie supérieure
1100 Notre-Dame West,
Montréal (Québec) H3C 1K3
- Telephone (514) 396-8877 FAX (514) 396-8595
- Electronic mail
- President Mohamed.Cheriet@etsmtl.ca
Vice President: Boukadoum.mounir@uqam.ca
Secretary: Tony.Wong@etsmtl.ca
Webmaster: C.faust@sympatico.ca
Send mail to c.faust@sympatico.ca with
questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: March 21st 2008 |