IEEE Newfoundland and Labrador Section
Executive Meeting Minutes
Tuesday January 16, 2001

In Attendance (from the Section):
Yves Fontaine, Dennis Peters, Kathleen Chafe, Eric Gill, Siu O'Young, Mike Janes, Terry Hussey, Doug Squires (arrived a tad tardy)


Location: Fort William Building, Conference Room 314

Summary of Action Items:

Yves to approach Craig Warren to assess his willingness to join the executive.

Siu to contact Bill O'Keefe to request a tour of Telepix facilities for January 25th. If Bill is not available, Siu will arrange something with Khalid.

Doug to ensure that we are in compliance with all aspects of the IEEE edict concerning the assignment of a co-signor from IEEE Central located in the United States.

Yves will arrange a meeting to discuss how the Section can work with Wally Read to support and contribute to the activities associated with this year of Marconi. Frank Davis will also be invited to this meeting.

Dennis and Kathleen will update the IEEE mailing list.

Siu will check to see if Region 7 IEEE has made a decision with respect to the McNaughton proposal.

Siu will submit the same McNaughton proposal to the provincial government.

Mike will make arrangements for refreshments for the next meeting.

  1. Review acceptance of minutes
  2. Minutes from the AGM were reviewed and accepted.

  3. Section executive members and roles
  4. Yves mentioned that Gervase White has completed his tour of duty with the IEEE (for now) and, as such, there is an opening on the executive for someone to coordinate technical activities. Yves recommended Craig Warren of Newfoundland Hydro or someone from Newfoundland Power. Siu suggested Terry Carter of ABB. It was agreed that whoever is selected, that person should be from industry so as to "balance out" the academic/industry split in the executive and to (perhaps) garner additional ideas for technical tours.

    Yves to approach Craig Warren to assess his willingness to join the executive.

    The composition of the 2001 executive is as follows:
    Yves FontaineChair
    Dennis PetersVice-Chair / Webmaster
    Kathleen ChafeMembership Development / Bylaws / Newsletter
    Doug SquiresTreasurer
    Siu O'YoungStudent Activities / 2001 Conference Coordinator
    Eric GillAwards & Scholarships
    Mike JanesSecretary / Newsletter
    ?????Technical Activities

  5. Technical Tours
  6. Suggestions for future technical tours/presentations included:

    Siu to contact Bill O'Keefe to request a tour of Telepix facilities for January 25th. If Bill is not available, Siu will arrange something with Khalid.

  7. Exec meeting schedule for 2001
  8. It was agreed that Tuesdays were best with respect to scheduling future meetings.

  9. Finance: co-signor requirement
  10. The Newfoundland & Labrador IEEE Section requires that someone from IEEE central must be co-signor on our bank account.

    Doug to ensure that we are in compliance with all aspects of the IEEE edict concerning the assignment of a co-signor from IEEE Central located in the United States.

  11. Eastern Canada Council executive members
  12. The new council (elected by acclamation) is as follows:
    Chairman:Mrs. Ferial El Hawary, Canada Atlantic Section
    Vice-chair:Mr. André Morin, Section de Québec (returning)
    Secretary:Mr. Brian Maranda, Canada Atlantic Section
    Treasurer:Mr. Yves de Villers, Section de Québec (returning)

    Mr. Marc Provencher is now Past-Chairman of the Council.

    Yves pointed out that the council is looking for volunteers. So, if you're interested ...

  13. Chair for NECEC 2001
  14. Frank Davis will be the chairperson for NECEC 2001.

  15. Marconi 2001 activities
  16. Wally Read (as a Region 7 representative) is coordinating the "IEEE Conference on the History of Telecommunications" to be held in St. John's July 25 - 27, 2001.

    Yves will arrange a meeting to discuss how the Section can work with Wally Read to support and contribute to the activities associated with this year of Marconi. Frank Davis will also be invited to this meeting.

  17. Student competition
  18. Siu provided some detail on the proposed student competition and suggested that having it at the Battery would be appropriate. The competition would involve students building receivers to catch an AM signal transmitted from Signal Hill.

    Siu will submit the a funding proposal to the provincial government and Region 7.

  19. Other business
    1. Dennis pointed out that our member mailing address list has to be updated. We need an updated member list and an updated local company list.

      Dennis and Kathleen will update the IEEE mailing list.

    2. Siu informed the executive that the McNaughton proposal was submitted at the end of November to the IEEE Canada Foundation.

      Siu will check to see if Region 7 IEEE has made a decision with respect to the McNaughton proposal.

    3. Terry stated that the student branch is planning an Employer Fair for February 22. Terry will let the executive know at next month's meeting whether funding from the section is required.

  20. Next Meeting
  21. The next meeting will be at the Fort William Building on Tuesday, February 13, 2001

    Mike will make arrangements for refreshments..

Scribe: Mike Janes
Posted: Mon 2001.03.12 at 17:09 NST by Dennis Peters