IEEE Newfoundland and Labrador Section

Executive Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 17, 2002

In Attendance:
Dennis Peters, Siu O'Young, Eric Gill, Mike Janes, Doug Squires, Gerard Dunphy, Kathleen Chafe, Sheldon Andrews

Missing: Yves Fontaine

Location: MUN Engineering Building, Ocean Engineering Boardroom (EN-4032A)

Summary of Action Items:

Eric to suggest appropriate wording for proposed Section Award which would recognize outstanding contributions at a section level.

Siu will prepare letter to Vijay Bargava required for student branch award nomination.

Dennis will fill Membership Development Chair with one of the suggested candidates.

Dennis will update Executive List on web.

Kathleen will prepare Secretary's Report by Feb. 22.

Doug will complete Treasurer's Report due in Feb.

Gerard will make arrangements with Paul Mackey for Snowplow Monitoring System demo on Feb. 18.

Dennis will contact Charles to schedule next meeting of IEMC Planning Committee.

Siu will forward all Marconi Project invoices, together with itemized details as to which funding source to be used for each, to Doug asap.

Doug will prepare Cisco NECEC 2001 invoice for Mike who will send on to Cisco.

Sheldon will provide more information on mentoring proposal at next meeting.

Siu will advise how many Moncton competition team members are IEEE members and will make further arrangements for payment.

Dennis will make arrangements for next meeting (room, lunch, and parking permits).

  1. Review of minutes from November 29th and December 6 meetings
  2. Minutes were reviewed and accepted with one additional action item.

    Eric to suggest appropriate wording for proposed Section Award which would recognize outstanding contributions at a section level.

  3. Review of action items arising from last meeting
  4. Action:
    Siu to recommend a suitable venue for dinner to show our appreciation to the invited guests. This meal will also serve as our annual Christmas meal.


    Mike to print 20 copies of the by-laws and bring same to the AGM.


    Eric to ensure that cheese and pop are available at the AGM.


    Sheldon to submit report to Kathleen outlining Student Activities at AGM.


    Dennis to secure two golf shirts for the two individuals presenting at the AGM.


    Mike to contact Todd to ensure that he submits a report on Technical Activities.


    Dennis to bring copies of the Fall Newsletter to the AGM.


    Yves to compose a list of invitees to the Marconi Competition and forward invitations to them as soon as possible.


    Jeff to arrange for certificates for winners in the Marconi Competition.


    Eric to investigate whether our Student Branch is eligible for some kind of IEEE award.

    Vijay Bargava wrote back and indicated that a letter is needed from the Student Branch Counselor (Siu). Closed.

    Yves to arrange for a conference room and refreshments for next meeting to be held on November 29, 2001.


  5. Committee Roles
  6. Welcome extended to Gerard Dunphy who is joining our executive as Technical Committee Chair.

    New Committee roles are as follows:

    Potential candidates for Membership Development Chair are as follows (in relative order of preference):

    Dennis will fill Membership Development Chair with one of the suggested candidates.

    Dennis will update executive list on web.

    Kathleen will prepare Secretary's Report by Feb. 22.

    Doug will complete Treasurer's Report due in Feb.

  7. Executive Meeting Schedule
  8. Meetings will be held as follows from 12:00 to 1:30 unless otherwise scheduled: Feb. 21, March 21, April 18, May 23, June 13, Sept. 12, Oct. 10, Nov. 7, Dec. 3, Dec. 5 (AGM)

    Discussion held on best location for Lobster Boil. C.E.I Club proposed by Doug Squires as an alternative to the Fluvarium. Topic for agenda for next meeting.

  9. Technical Activities Schedule
  10. Proposed schedule is as follows:

    Other Alternatives Proposed:
    Newtel, PAL, Jacques Guigne, MUN

    Gerard will make arrangements with Paul Mackey for Snowplow Monitoring System demo on Feb. 18.

  11. IEMC 2005 Bid
  12. Planning committee established to work on a proposal for hosting IEMC 2005 in St. John's. Charles Randell chairing. Other members are Dennis Peters, Kathleen Chafe, and Paul Ryan. Next meeting has not been scheduled.

    Dennis will contact Charles to schedule next meeting.

  13. Other Business
    1. Marconi Project Invoicing
    2. Action:
      Siu will forward all invoices, together with itemized details as to which funding source to be used for each, to Doug asap.

    3. NECEC Donation Invoicing
    4. Cisco donating $499 to NECEC.

      Doug will prepare Cisco invoice for Mike who will send on to Cisco.

    5. Mentoring Program
    6. Sheldon proposed setting up a mentoring program for engineering students which would enable a student to be paired with an engineer who could help with specific projects as required.

      Sheldon will provide more information on proposal at next meeting.

    7. Engineering Week Activities
    8. Coming up in March. Need to discuss whether we will have any special events scheduled. Add to agenda for next meeting.

    9. Support for Engineering Team Competition in Moncton
    10. Siu asked Committee if we would provide $200 to support a team of electrical engineering students attending a team competition in Moncton. A lengthy discussion ensued in which it was debated whether the students should be supported if they are not IEEE members. It was agreed that each IEEE member on the team would be given $75 up to a maximum of 3 people.

      Siu will advise how many team members are IEEE members and will make further arrangements for payment.

    11. Next Meeting
    12. The next meeting will be held on Feb. 21, 2002 at MUN.

      Dennis will make arrangements for room, lunch, and parking permits.

Scribe: Kathleen Chafe
Posted: Thu 2002.02.07 at 17:11 NST by Dennis Peters