IEEE Newfoundland and Labrador Section

Executive Meeting Agenda

Date: Thursday, May 15, 2003
Time: 12:00-1:30 pm.
Location: Memorial University
Engineering Building,
Ocean Engineering boardroom, EN4032A

Lunch will be provided.


  1. Review and approval of minutes of the meeting on April 14, 2003
  2. Business arising from the minutes
  3. Lobster Boil
    1. Tickets
    2. Entertainment
    3. Award(s)
    4. Other arrangements
  4. E-newsletter service - Dennis
  5. R7 meeting - Dennis/Kathleen
  6. Pre-university follow up - Dennis/Kathleen/Mike/Yves
  7. Reports
    1. NECEC 2003 - Mike/Kathleen/Dennis
    2. Student Branch - Siu/Sheldon
    3. Membership development - Brenda
  8. Other business
  9. Next meeting: T.B.D.

Drafted: Wed 2003.05.14 at 09:34 NDT by Dennis Peters