IEEE Newfoundland and Labrador Section

Executive Meeting Agenda

Date: Friday, November 21, 2003
Time: 12:00-1:30 pm.
Location: Memorial University
Engineering Building,
Faculty Dining room (EN 4003)

Lunch will be provided.


  1. Review and approval of minutes of the meeting on Oct. 10, 2003
  2. Business arising from the minutes
    1. Bylaw revisions
  3. Reports
    1. NECEC 2003
    2. IEMC 2005 - MOU approval (Dennis/Kathleen)
  4. New business
    1. AGM
    2. Project proposals
    3. History Paper Competition
    4. Scholarships funding
    5. GOLD Afinity Group
    6. SC 2008 Support letter for Quebec City
  5. Next meeting: Christmas Lunch Friday, December 12.

Drafted: Thu 2003.11.20 at 16:26 NST by Dennis Peters