The IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) and Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS) Joint Greece Chapter announces a competition for awarding the “Best Final/Diploma Thesis” that was completed after 1/10/2009, in the scientific field of:
"Advanced Wireless Communication Systems"
The scientific subjects that falls within the objectives of the competition can be categorized (but not limited) to the following areas:
- LTE and 4G mobile communications
- Satellite Communication
The objective of this initiative is two fold: to promote excellence in theoretic and/or applied scientific research performed by students in Greek higher educational institutions in the context of their undergraduate thesis; to enhance interaction among students and faculty members of different institutions.
Participation in the competition is open to all students that have successfully completed their undergraduate thesis in the abovementioned scientific areas, in Greek higher educational institutions, after 1/10/2009. Submissions will be electronically accepted until 11th of December, 2011, through the webpage The following documents are required (either in Greek or English):
a) Abstract (max 3 pages) of the thesis including: short introduction, methodology of the work, results (download the template
b) CV of the student,
c) Reference letter by the thesis/dissertation supervisor.
The best 8 submissions will be presented in an open event, to be held, upon notice, at the School of Engineering of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where finally the best thesis will be announced. The evaluation criteria include, among others, the originality, presentation integrity, existence of scientific publications originated from the thesis, any cooperation with private or public entities and enterprises, etc. The evaluation results will be announced at the current website of the Chapter and at until 23/12/2011.
Scientific Committee
A.C. Iossifides, ATEI of Thessaloniki
D. Bouras, THENAMARIS Ships Management Inc.
D. Efstathiou, TEI of Serres
A. Kanatas, University of Piraeus
G. Koutitas, International Hellenic University
F-N. Pavlidou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki