Chapter Officers
Serbia and Montenegro Section
IEEE Education Society
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Presentation Abstract
The Fifth Technical Meeting of the EdSoc Chapter of Serbia and Montenegro
(November 30, 2007)
The Republic of Croatia is confident and determined in its intention to build Croatia into a science and technology-oriented country. Processes of stabilization accession to the European Union largely help the realisation that Croatia strategy. Changes in the system of sciences and educations are in the period of 2004-2007 would be on the direction of carryings out of long-term strategy of development educational and the scientific system with the foundation goal - the society and economy knowledge-based. Therefore moves and mostly are achieved series of activity on the whole vertical educational and scientific and technological systems and including in international development trends. So are in that period: - Have been adopted two important documents: (a) Development plan of systems of parenting and educating 2005-2010 and (b) Scientific and the technological policy of Republic of Croatia 2006-2010; - through the budget Ministry of science has been increased investing in the system educating and sciences of 34.2 %, and the increase investing in the academic education in that period it was 46.4 %; - for capital invests is ensured 110 mil. € for the building of the university (total investments around 270 mil €); - has been opened 5,259 new workplaces in the system educating and sciences from that 1,280 for young researchers; - started first phase of new system of integral financings of institutions of high education (lumpsum) which introduces the uniquely management financial policy of university (develops and performs the senate those in this way system represent an financial integration aspect of university); - Has been made the OECD analyses of academic education in the Croatia, firstly in detail state report of system on the internationally comparable methodology.
Key proposals for scientific and technological policy in the next period are: - Increase funding for excellent science and technology projects (towards the implementation 3 % the GDP to 2010 years for the science and the research); - Restructure publicly-funded research institutes and R&D centers towards the directing research on the area of national priorities and economic needs; - Encourage research partnerships and strengthen support schemes for quality young researchers; - Invest in science research infrastructure and knowledge transfer institutions; - Bring in measure for the stimulation of commercialization of academic research; - Bring in measure for the promotion technological developments and innovations, and - Establish for the business sector stimulating and favourable legal frameworks.