Management of Telecommunications Projects

The use of proper project management is rapidly becoming a requirement in many telecommunications oriented companies and environments. Use of Project Management tools and techniques can make the difference between meeting or not meeting budgetary and time requirements. Meeting these constraints is becoming more and more critical and the competition escalates, and companies compete for shares of the market. Sometimes an even more significant problem is the customer satisfaction – which is closely related to producing what the customer wants, within the required cost and time. Or more accurately, producing what the customer really wants. At the same time, the satisfaction of the team members is also a priority. All of these requirements can be met by using Project Management processes. There are techniques that can be implemented which have been shown to make projects more successful and to make life easier for the project manager and the team. This short workshop provides broad coverage of project management methods, supplemented by real project examples from the telecommunications environment. Each process area described in the Project Management Institute's "Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge" will be covered, including Project Integration, Scope Management, Cost Management, Time Management, Risk Management, Procurement Management, Quality Management, Communications Management, Human Resources. Techniques addressing each of these areas can be applied to engineering projects large or small, no matter how simple or complex. All of the areas covered are actually applicable to any environment, not just to telecom projects, so those with an interest in project management for other fields can also benefit from this workshop.