The Member Activities Committee (MAC) shall support and facilitate the effective, seamless and interactive sharing of information and knowledge with members of Region 3 and others. This committee will also support other activities related to individual members of Region 3.


  1. The Member Activities Committee Chair shall be a member and serve as the Region 3 representative to the MGA Section/Chapter Support Committee’s Electronic Communications Coordinator Subcommittee and serve as the Region 3 member of the EAB Section Educational Outreach committee.
  2. The Newsletter Editor shall be a member.
  3. The Webmaster shall be a member.
  4. The Information Coordinator (social media) shall be a member.
  5. The Fellows Coordinator shall be a member.
  6. One past Region 3 Delegate/Director shall be a Mentor.


  1. The MAC shall identify and communicate the personal and professional benefits of active engagement with fellow IEEE members.
  2. The MAC shall contribute material, and if requested, present communications information and demonstrations to the Region leadership and members.
  3. The MAC Chair shall assist the Region 3 Secretary in maintenance of various email lists used by the Region 3 Committee and the Region 3 Executive Committee.
  4. The Newsletter Editor shall publish the IEEE Region 3 Newsletter, on a scheduled basis, in paper and electronic format via the Region 3 website. In doing so, he or she shall
    1. Develop a schedule annually, based on the Region 3 Calendar of events, listing the dates for article submission, the dates for printing/mailing, audience, and the expected date of arrival. At least one version shall be distributed to all members to include those who decline electronic communications in conjunction with SoutheastCon and the Region 3 Annual Meeting.
    2. Attend Region 3 Executive Committee Meetings as a participant without any voting rights.
    3. Collect input from the Region officers, Standing Committee members, and others as appropriate (e.g., candidates for office).
    4. Edit all inputs as appropriate, for reasons of space, ease of understanding, and suitability for publication. The Editor will maintain an objective and unbiased position.
    5. Assemble the collected inputs, and other pertinent items (including, but not limited to, the agenda for the upcoming meeting and the Region 3 Officer Directory), into a printable or viewable document.
    6. Arrange for the Newsletter to be printed, labeled, and mailed.
  5. The Webmaster shall support the creation and maintenance of web content for Region 3 and its entities. He or she shall have access to post this content on the Region 3 Website. The purpose of the Region 3 Website is (a) to inform the members of events in Region 3, (b) to publicize news of Region 3 personalities, appointments, and awards, (c) to display all current Region 3 manuals, and (d) to support the work of the officers and committees in Region 3.
  6. Information Coordinator shall support the creation and maintenance of social media content for Region 3 and its entities. He or she shall have access to various social media vehicles in the name of Region 3 and shall work closely with the Webmaster. The purpose of the Region 3 social media communications is the same as that of the Region 3 Website.
  7. The Fellows Coordinator shall encourage members to seek the membership level of Fellow.