The Member Activities Committee (MAC) shall support and facilitate the effective, seamless and interactive sharing of information and knowledge with members of Region 3 and others. This committee will also support other activities related to individual members of Region 3.
- The Member Activities Committee Chair shall be a member and serve as the Region 3 representative to the MGA Section/Chapter Support Committee’s Electronic Communications Coordinator Subcommittee and serve as the Region 3 member of the EAB Section Educational Outreach committee.
- The Newsletter Editor shall be a member.
- The Webmaster shall be a member.
- The Information Coordinator (social media) shall be a member.
- The Fellows Coordinator shall be a member.
- One past Region 3 Delegate/Director shall be a Mentor.
- The MAC shall identify and communicate the personal and professional benefits of active engagement with fellow IEEE members.
- The MAC shall contribute material, and if requested, present communications information and demonstrations to the Region leadership and members.
- The MAC Chair shall assist the Region 3 Secretary in maintenance of various email lists used by the Region 3 Committee and the Region 3 Executive Committee.
- The Newsletter Editor shall publish the IEEE Region 3 Newsletter, on a scheduled basis, in paper and electronic format via the Region 3 website. In doing so, he or she shall
- Develop a schedule annually, based on the Region 3 Calendar of events, listing the dates for article submission, the dates for printing/mailing, audience, and the expected date of arrival. At least one version shall be distributed to all members to include those who decline electronic communications in conjunction with SoutheastCon and the Region 3 Annual Meeting.
- Attend Region 3 Executive Committee Meetings as a participant without any voting rights.
- Collect input from the Region officers, Standing Committee members, and others as appropriate (e.g., candidates for office).
- Edit all inputs as appropriate, for reasons of space, ease of understanding, and suitability for publication. The Editor will maintain an objective and unbiased position.
- Assemble the collected inputs, and other pertinent items (including, but not limited to, the agenda for the upcoming meeting and the Region 3 Officer Directory), into a printable or viewable document.
- Arrange for the Newsletter to be printed, labeled, and mailed.
- The Webmaster shall support the creation and maintenance of web content for Region 3 and its entities. He or she shall have access to post this content on the Region 3 Website. The purpose of the Region 3 Website is (a) to inform the members of events in Region 3, (b) to publicize news of Region 3 personalities, appointments, and awards, (c) to display all current Region 3 manuals, and (d) to support the work of the officers and committees in Region 3.
- Information Coordinator shall support the creation and maintenance of social media content for Region 3 and its entities. He or she shall have access to various social media vehicles in the name of Region 3 and shall work closely with the Webmaster. The purpose of the Region 3 social media communications is the same as that of the Region 3 Website.
- The Fellows Coordinator shall encourage members to seek the membership level of Fellow.