Small IEEE Logo Region 3 Newsletter
Volume 15 Number 3
Page 14

October 2000

SPC Goals and Objectives Progress Report
Fall 2000

Robert S. (Bob) Duggan, Jr.
IEEE Region 3 SPC Chair

1. Review Reg 3 structure and recommend combining or elimination of committees where appropriate.
[This is a continuing SPC function which is tied to the periodic review/updating of the Operations Manual and ByLaws. A committee is addressing this area].

2. Update Reg 3 Strategic Plan, revising goals and objectives as appropriate.
[This is normally done every two years. The next revision is slated to be done in 2001].

3. Review goals and objectives of Reg 3 entities and committees and report on their achievement annually to Reg 3 Director.
[This is being achieved via the mentors and the special Fall Newsletter reports].

4. Assign mentors to Reg. 3 committees.
[Mentor assignments are posted at URL ]

5. Post the Reg 3 Strategic Plan to the Web.
[The plan is posted at URL ]

6. Update the Reg 3 History.
[The History Committee is at work on this, requesting inputs from the past four Reg. 3 directors, but only Dale Caston has as yet responded. Alternate data sources are being considered].

7. Review and update Reg 3 Bylaws.
[This is closely tied to G&O 1 above].

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