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Region 3 Newsletter Volume 16 Number 1 |
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Janurary 2001 |
Bill Ratcliff (w.ratcliff@ieee.org)
Communications Committee Chair
The Communications Committee contains the following Committees and chairs...
Newsletter - Chip Dawson
Public Information - Lee Stogner
Electronic Communications Coordinator - David Green
e-Conferencing - Bill Ratcliff
Web Master - Chip DawsonThe Communications Committee has been primarily focused on Region 3 operations and activities during the past year with notable progress being made in the following areas:
Updated and modernized the Region 3 Web Pages.
Encouraged Region 3 Committees to develop and update their web pages.
Electronic Version of the Newsletter was created and distributed.
e-Conferencing News Groups were established for many of the Region 3 Committees (all Committees are encouraged to utilize NewsGroups in performing their work).
Public Information Committee continued distribution of the R3 Communications CD.
The e-Conference Committee continues to provide introductory and startup training for various entities throughout the Institute.
Please note the individual reports of the committees, which make up the Communications Committee, for greater detail.
The intent of the Communications Committee has always been to encourage the use of all forms of communication and information sharing among all entities in Region 3 and within the Institute. Starting this year our focus will include a closer tie and involvement with Newsletter Editors and Webmasters through out Region 3. The e-conferencing methods that have been developed through usage over the past 18 months will also promote closer ties and participation in Region 3 activities at the council / section levels.
The Communications Committee intends to study the function of managing the various documents, minutes, reports, policy and procedure manuals, etc that has become a major issue with many IEEE entities. The study will involve an analysis of the magnitude of the problem and the various mechanisms and technologies need to manage the records. Again, widespread participation by all entities within Region 3 is encouraged since the problem extends beyond the Region 3 Committees and ExCom. Let's work to banish the practice of "passing the boxes" on to the next Executive Committee. Charles Lord has agreed to represent the Communications Committee in this study.The growth of the internet and associated technologies coupled with the need for a coordinated response to issues and problems places new demands on the communication processes. The Communications Committee intends to examine its charter, structure and direction and recommend appropriate changes for the 2002 ExCom to consider.
Make sure your section is represented at the Region 3 meeting at SoutheastCon 2001 in Clemson, SC. There is always valuable information to be brought back to the Section.
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