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Region 3 Newsletter Volume 16 Number 1 |
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Janurary 2001 |
Stephen Legister (s.legister@ieee.org),
Area 9 Chair
The IEEE Jamaica Section has been very active and completed the nomination of Officers for the IEEE Jamaica Section and the Jamaica Chapter of ComSoc.
The Immediate Past IEEE Jamaica Section Chair was unable to take up the appointment of the Region 3 Area 9 Chair consequently Wilfred A. Roberts was designated. Dennis Hartley the Past Area 9/ JamCon2000/Jamaica Chapter of ComSoc Chair did an excellent job and has agreed to continue to support the section in all areas.
Getting current members more active was an objective for the IEEE Jamaica Section this year. A procedure for contacting members in arrears and not attending monthly Section meetings was implemented and will be monitored. Stimulating presentations were planned for each month to attract members to meetings.
Conference, Meeting/Caucus Dates, and Presentations were as follows:January: 1st meeting for the year Retreat 2000: EXCOM
Objectives OutlinedFebruary: Presenter: Dr Mervyn Curtis, Landscape of Professional
Head of School, Electrical Engineering, Engineering in Jamaica
University of TechnologyMarch: Mr Hugh Murray Digital Communications
SpeedNet Communications LtdApril 19 Jamaica Section/Chapter (ComSoc)
Presenter: Mr. Percy Chue Frame Relay
Manager Training
Engineering Network Systems
Cable & Wireless, JamaicaMay Discussions between IEEE Jamaica Section and UTECH
Re joint hosting of JamCon2000 and the establishment
of an IEEE Secretariat at UTECHJune Mr. Winston Browning Asynchronous Transfer Mode Training Executive
Engineering Networking Systems
Cable & Wireless, JamaicaJuly Ms Janice Gayle Investment Options for Public Relations Manager
Jamaica Money Market Brokers
August 11-13 JamCon2000: An international engineering
Conference and exhibition, held at
Renaissance Jamaica Grande Resort.September Dr Patrick S. Dallas DSL and its use in the
Faculty of Engineering Jamaican Environment
and Computing
University of TechnologyOctober Dr. Salah Aidarous Distinguished Lecture Tour Director Product
Planning on Internet Protocol (IP)
NEC America, Inc Networking: Opportunities
and ChallengesNovember Ms Camela Rhone How can organizations such
Director General as IEEE contribute to the
Ministry of Industry Commerce technological development
and Technology of JamaicaDecember 13 Annual General Meeting
December 20 Social
Web Site:
Further upgrading was done to the IEEE Jamaica Sections web site, which included our revised/amended Bylaws, the new executive and JamCon2000 activities. The Sections Administrative and Fiscal Year now commence on January 1, and end on December 31.JamCon 2000
JamCon 2000 held at the Renaissance Jamaica Grande Hotel during August 11-13, 2000 was a very successful conference. Please visit our web site at URL: https://www.ewh.ieee.org/r3/jamaica for all pertinent information.Student Activities: Preliminary meetings held at the University of Technology (UTECH) February 4, 2000, resulted in a good show of students at the IEEE Jamaica Section meetings.
Approximately 60 prospective IEEE student members were in attendance from the Engineering and Computing Faculties at our Section meetings.
E-Conference Meeting
On October 11, 2000 IEEE Jamaica Section EXCOM joined Region 3 Conference Committee on computer at the NWCs office and participated in our first E-Conference meeting. The members in attendance were Dr. Halden Morris Section Chair, Devon Gayle Vice Chair, Jonah Chisholm Treasurer, and Wilfred A. Roberts Region 3 Area 9 Chair.
IEEE BoD Meeting December 3, 2000 Highlights
1. Concentration Banking Update
2. Signature Cards on file with the Staff Director of Financial Services or
Designee Signature.It has been a privilege and a pleasure serving as Region 3 Area 9 Chair.
The Writer takes this opportunity to thank the EXCOM and other IEEE members for their support and cooperation during the year under review.
May I wish you a peaceful and blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
SoouthEastCon2000 April 7-9,2000
Pre Conference ArrangementsThanks to the Vice Chair for making travel arrangements, SouthEastCon2000 Registration and hotel reservations.
Travel Itinerary/Flight
The flights to and from SouthEastCon2000 - Nashville Tennessee was good except for some turbulence on the Atlanta to Nashville leg of the flight, and a poor connection schedule on the Section Chairs flight itinerary which created some inconvenience.
The Jamaica Section Delegation attended all meetings/caucus and our presentations were submitted appropriately.
In an effort to carry out some promotion, the JamCon2000 registration form was down loaded from our website and copied. Packages were created and handed out to SouthEastCon2000 attendees, however the logo could not be utilized.
Thanks was extended to David Green Region 3 EXCOM Secretary for providing the facilities and assistance in accessing our website.
An area of significance was the E-Conference presentations, which covered two separate sessions. It will be essential for the Jamaica Section to become familiar with all the procedures of E-Conference meetings to benefit fully. Software and literature are available from the IEEE Jamaica Section EXCOM.
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