Small IEEE Logo Region 3 Newsletter
Volume 16 Number 1

Janurary 2001

Leadership Development Committee Report

Reed Thompson (,
Leadership Development Committee Chair

The new Section Treasurers' Training program has been completed and is available for individual use on the Region 3 web page through the Leadership Development Committee link. Thanks to the good work of Chip Dawson, this program was available on the web last December in time for the new Section Treasurers to have it before the beginning of their term of office. The training package contains a new Microsoft Excel workbook accounting program for use by treasurers that will substantially produce the IEEE L-50 Annual Financial Report automatically. Announcement of the availability of this program was made to the and mailing lists. However, due to the flux in officer changes during December, some Sections may not have received the announcement. The assistance of the Executive Committee is requested to be sure your Section Treasurer knows about the availability of this program. The IEEE RAB Vice President is having this program evaluated for use by treasurers in other Regions.

Charles Lord and I will attend the RAB "Train the Trainers" program in Atlanta January 19 to 21 to receive the Institute "Leadership and Project Management" training package. This information will be integrated into the Region 3 Section Officer Training program during 2001.

On Saturday, January 27, 2001, the Virginia Council is sponsoring a Section Officer training session at the Innsbrook Technical Center of Dominion (Virginia) Power, Richmond, VA, from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm.

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