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Region 3 Newsletter Volume 16 Number 1 |
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Janurary 2001 |
David L. Bower (d.bower@ieee.org)
TN Council Chair
There are seven (7) sections in the Tennessee Council. The next meeting of the TN Council is planned for Spring 2001.
The TN Council officers are:
David Bower, Chair (East TN Section member)
d.bower@ieee.org <mailto:d.bower@ieee.org>
Jim Duke, Vice Chair (Nashville Section member)
jamesduke@hotmail.com <mailto:jamesduke@hotmail.com>
Philip Lim, Secretary/Treasurer (Memphis Section member)
plim@mlgw.org <mailto:plim@mlgw.org>
These are some section activities:
(1) TRI-CITIES SECTION. The new officers just elected for 2001 are:
Chair, Hugh Blanton
Vice Chair, Jon Shaneyfelt
Secretary, Ralph Young
Treasurer, Paul LebhardtThe January 9, 2001 meeting was given by Jan Sieg on Internet Connectivity. The section, in addition, already has four (4) more meetings planned for 2001. The Tri-Cities Excom met in December 2000. The November 14, 2000 meeting was given by JR Siever (brought in from Houston, TX) on Load Flow and Short Circuit Calculations. The October 17, 2000 meeting was on IC Technology by Stan Dennison. The September 12, 2000 meeting was on Starting a Chemical Plant in Argentina by Pete Symonds and the May 16, 2000 program was by Siemens Automotive on Airbag Manufacturing.
(2) EAST TN SECTION. The section is involved in the 2001 election process. The Vice Chair, Al Akerman, will move up to Chair. Mark Allen will retain the position of Secretary/Treasurer. David Bower is PACE Chair. Past Chair is Sam Burgiss. Other offices will be filled by election and appointment.
The January-February 2001 meeting is being planned on ADSL, to be given by BellSouth. The December 12, 2000 meeting was given by Greg Hinkel on the Anatomy of A Computer Hack. A dinner buffet was available before the meeting. The November 14, 2000 meeting was given by PEAC, and consisted of a program and tour of the facilities.The talk concerned ultracapacitors and related topics. Members were also involved in planning activities for Tennessee's Technology Conference held at the end of October in Knoxville and Oak Ridge, TN; including serving on the Executive Board. The section has a Student Branch. Meetings in the planning stages for 2001 include Fuels Cells, Robotics and Environmental Cleanup.
(3) OAK RIDGE SECTION: The Oak Ridge Section has joint program meetings with the East Tennessee Section. Brian Swail is the Chair and Martin Bauer is the Secretary-Treasurer. Members assisted in Judging duties for the Southern Appalachian Science and Engineering Fair this past Spring. The section has a Student Branch. Meetings in the planning stages for 2001 include Power Electronics and Superconducting Cables.
(4) CHATTANOOGA SECTION: Chair, Craig McClure; Vice Chair, Clifton Johnson, Secretary, Lorie Conley and Treasurer, DeJim Lowe. PES Chair, Dr Ahmed Eltom, PES Vice Chair, Jason Huffine and PES 2nd Vice Chair, Claire McCullough. Computer Society Chair, Sandeep Sadanandan, Computer 1st Vice Chair, Uwe Zitzow and CES 2nd Vice Chair, Joe Dumas. Directors are Jeff Nelson and David Ashley. Director and Past Chair, Michael Ingram. Information is not yet available on the 2001 election process. The section has a web page and Student Branches. The Computer Society is having its first meeting of the new year on January 18. The topic is Cable TV is Not Just for TV Any More, and is to be presented by Comcast Communications. The Student Chapter in Chattanooga will meet the Tuesday before this meeting. Dr. Joseph Kizza, from the University of TN at Chattanooga, will address the student group on Internet Ethics and Privacy Issues. The Chattanooga Section held three joint meetings with the Chattanooga Engineer's Club this past Spring.
(5) NASHVILLE SECTION: The new officers just elected for 2001 are: Chair, Andy Dozier; Vice Chair, Chris Finen; Secretary/Treasurer, Bruce Mackie. Others are Jeff Beck, GOLD Chair, Keith Benson, Membership Chair, James Duke, PACE Chair and Baha Al-Lawali is the Webmaster. The first meeting of the new year is scheduled on January 24. Mr. Chip Cox from Vanderbilt will speak on Internet 2. The section and the Vanderbilt University Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science are co-hosting a one day symposium on Network Security on March 24, 2001. The section has its own Web Site. Bill Sims, a Nashville Section member, is working on a State-Wide campaign for the future Tennessee Engineering Center; to be located at the Cumberland Science Center in Nashville. They have reached 81% of their goal at this time. The November 29, 2000 meeting was given by Stanley Zucholl on Induction Motors--Apply, Analyze and Protect. The September 2000 meeting was an Overview of Digital Subscriber Line Technology.
(6) MIDDLE TENNESSEE SECTION: The Chair is Bobby Smith and the Secretary-Treasurer is Philip Medley. They have 64 members in their section. The section is not very active at this time. The Tennessee Council is working with their Chair (Bobby Smith) and the Nashville Section Chair (Andy Dozier) concerning some joint meetings in the Spring because of the proximity of the Nashville Section.
(7) MEMPHIS SECTION: The current officers are: Chair, David Russomanno; Vice Chair, Marlin Gines; Secretary, Alan Long and Treasurer, Philip Lim. The Computer Society Chair is Hichem Frigui. The Engineering and Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) is chaired by Semahat Demir. The PACE Chair is Philip Lim, and the PACE Vice Chair is Billy Allen. The 2001 election is in process (ballots are out) and the new officers will be announced in February. Recent activities include the December 8, 2000 meeting on Power Quality Issues in the Power Systems Environment by Mr. Douglas Dorr. Attendees received 2.0 PDH for the program. The Memphis Section EMBS Society sponsored and organized a workshop/presentation with the University of Tennessee EMBS Student Club. The topic was Patent Fundamentals, presented by Dr Walter Fitzgerald from the UT College of Pharmacy in Memphis. The Memphis Section also participated in Judging activities for the Memphis/Shelby County Science Fair this past Spring.
Three of the sections have expressed interest in having an IEEE training seminar for new officers. This may be conducted along with the next TN Council Meeting.
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