Area 4 (FL Council) Report
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 19:48:22 -0500
From: Butch Shadwell
Subject: Area 4 - Florida Council Report, Winter R3 Excom Meeting
Reply-to: Butch Shadwell
To: Region 3 Excom
From: Butch Shadwell - FL Council Chair
Subj: Area 4 Report
It is a never ending battle to try to provide the section leadership the
most value for the time they put in. Often, with some of the less stable
sections, the council is the principal source of information about section
operations for new officers. For example, we regularly debate whether the
council should provide in state training opportunities when SECon is
elsewhere. It will not be an issue this year, but I will be proposing that
we do so in the future.
We are in the process of taking advantage of the web site space on the IEEE
server. We expect that shortly, if not already, the council and many
sections will have moved their sites there. This should be a very valuable
communications mechanism, but I fear that most members are still unaware and
that many of the sites are not undated frequently enough to be of optimal
I an effort to preserve precious council funds, we generally try to schedule
council meetings to coincide with region events so that region funds may
help defray travel expenses. Due to some unfortunately planning, Southcon
and Southeastcon are both in Orlando and only thirty days apart. Since our
council meeting agenda usually runs for 7-8 hours, this year we are going to
divide the agenda in half and do the first part on March 24 at Southcon and
then the second installment on April 24 at Southeastcon. We will schedule
at least one more council meeting this year, but the date is to be
As is true for most non-technical IEEE meetings, the greatest reward from
attendance at council meetings seems to be the pleasure of the company of
the many fine professionals involved. They help to build esprit de corps
and motivation for section chairs in need. Also we make a point of
identifying good programs so that other sections may use them as well. This
data has been posted on our web site.
During my tenure as Council Vice-Chair I started a program I call "Section
Trek". I have been making a point to visit all of the sections in the
council and bring a program with me. I can't swear it's improved section
attendance, but I get good reviews on the programs and I have enjoyed
getting a first hand picture of the status of the sections.
As you may know, the Florida council continues to mirror the region awards
for outstanding engineers and to present awards at the state science fair.
Financially the council is in the black, but declining income demands we
assemble a longer term plan to either rejuvenate Southcon or identify
alternate sources of revenue.
Respectfully submitted,
Butch Shadwell
Florida Council Chairman